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Type: Article
Published: 2023-12-12
Page range: 51-60
Abstract views: 226
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Allium beypazariense (Amaryllidaceae), a new species from middle Anatolia (Türkiye)

Istanbul University; Faculty of Pharmacy; Department of Pharmaceutical Botany; 34116; Istanbul; Türkiye
University of Health Sciences; Hamidiye Vocational School of Health Services; 34668; Istanbul; Türkiye
Istanbul University; Faculty of Pharmacy; Department of Pharmaceutical Botany; 34116; Istanbul; Türkiye
Central Horticultural Research Institute; Yalova; Türkiye
Anatolia endemic Sect. Codonoprasum leaf anatomy taxonomy seed micromorphology Monocots


Allium beypazariense, a newly discovered species from the A. section Codonoprasum, is described and illustrated in this study. The species is endemic to middle Anatolia, Beypazarı and Çayırhan districts in Ankara in Türkiye. This research provides a comprehensive examination of the species, including its morphology, phenology, leaf anatomy, seed testa micromorphology, and conservation status. A comprehensive description of this species is provided, including detailed photographs and illustration, geographical distribution map, habitat and ecology. Furthermore, the taxonomic relationships between Allium beypazariense and its closest relatives, A. opacum is thoroughly explored and discussed. The new species can be easily distinguished from the close species by its mucronate tepal apex, sessile ovary, different anther colour, and thick scape.



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How to Cite

KOÇYİĞİT, MİNE, ZEYNEP BÜŞRA ERARSLAN, NERİMAN ÖZHATAY, and ERDAL KAYA. 2023. “<em>Allium beypazariense</Em> (Amaryllidaceae), a New Species from Middle Anatolia (Türkiye)”. Phytotaxa 630 (1):51-60.