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Published: 2023-08-31
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Checklist, typification details, and nomenclature status of ascomycetous fungi originally described in Sri Lanka

Center for Yunnan Plateau Biological Resources Protection and Utilization; College of Biological Resource and Food Engineering; Qujing Normal University; Qujing; Yunnan 655011; P.R. China.
National Institute of Fundamental Studies; Hantana Road; Kandy 20000; Sri Lanka. Department of Botany; Faculty of Science; University of Peradeniya; Peradeniya 20400; Sri Lanka.
Department of Bioprocess Technology; Faculty of Technology; Rajarata University of Sri Lanka; Mihintale; 50300; Sri Lanka. Faculty of Graduate Studies; Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka; Belihuloya 70140; Sri Lanka.
Department of Natural Resources; Faculty of Applied Sciences; Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka; Belihuloya 70140; Sri Lanka.
Section of Genetics; Institute for Research and Development in Health and Social Care; No: 393/3; Lily Avenue; Off Robert Gunawardane Mawatha; Battaramulla 10120; Sri Lanka.
Department of Plant Sciences; University of Colombo; Colombo 00300; Sri Lanka.
Department of Bioprocess Technology; Faculty of Technology; Rajarata University of Sri Lanka; Mihintale; 50300; Sri Lanka.
National Institute of Fundamental Studies; Hantana Road; Kandy 20000; Sri Lanka. Department of Plant Sciences; University of Colombo; Colombo 00300; Sri Lanka.
Center for Yunnan Plateau Biological Resources Protection and Utilization; College of Biological Resource and Food Engineering; Qujing Normal University; Qujing; Yunnan 655011; P.R. China. National Institute of Fundamental Studies; Hantana Road; Kandy 20000; Sri Lanka.
Algae; Fungi and Plants Division; Department of Science; The Natural History Museum; Cromwell Road; London; SW7 5 BD; UK.
Department of Plant Sciences; University of Colombo; Colombo 00300; Sri Lanka.
Department of Biological Sciences; Faculty of Applied Sciences; Rajarata University of Sri Lanka; Mihintale 50300; Sri Lanka.
Department of Botany; Faculty of Science; University of Peradeniya; Peradeniya 20400; Sri Lanka.
Department of Plant Sciences; University of Colombo; Colombo 00300; Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Institute of Biotechnology; Pitipana; Homagama; Sri Lanka.
The Key Laboratory for Silviculture and Conservation of Ministry of Education; Beijing Forestry University; Beijing 100083; P.R. China.
Biodiversity Informatics and Spatial Analysis; Jodrell Laboratory; Royal Botanic Gardens; Kew; Surrey TW9 3AB; UK.
Center for Yunnan Plateau Biological Resources Protection and Utilization; College of Biological Resource and Food Engineering; Qujing Normal University; Qujing; Yunnan 655011; P.R. China.
Tropical Microbiology Research Foundation; Meemanagoda Road; Pannipitiya; 10230; Sri Lanka.
Department of Botany and Microbiology; College of Science; King Saud University; P.O. Box 2455; Riyadh 11451; Saudi Arabia. Formerly; Department of Botany; Goa University; Goa-403206; India.
Department of Botany and Microbiology; College of Science; King Saud University; P.O. Box 2455; Riyadh 11451; Saudi Arabia.
Center for Yunnan Plateau Biological Resources Protection and Utilization; College of Biological Resource and Food Engineering; Qujing Normal University; Qujing; Yunnan 655011; P.R. China.
National Institute of Fundamental Studies; Hantana Road; Kandy 20000; Sri Lanka.
Fungi British mycologists fungaria holotype morphology voucher specimens


Despite being a biodiversity-rich country, Sri Lanka’s fungal diversity remains largely unexplored. In the 19th century, British mycologists conducted extensive research, leading to the identification of more than 1,800 fungal taxa, including ascomycetous and basidiomycetous species. However, the majority of these taxa have not been revisited since their initial description, and molecular evidence is lacking. Moreover, a significant number of fungal taxa have been deemed invalid or illegitimate, indicating the need for a nomenclatural revision. To address this knowledge gap, this review provides a comprehensive list of ascomycetous taxa (including both lichen-forming and non-lichenized) that were originally described in Sri Lanka. Names are listed according to the original names which were included in the protologue. In the cases where species have been transferred to other genera, the current names and new classifications are provided. The typification details, nomenclature status, and classification are also presented. This checklist will serve as a valuable resource for the future epitypification of old taxa, as much of the existing information is poorly documented and scattered.



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