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Type: Article
Published: 2023-09-21
Page range: 69-78
Abstract views: 270
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Digitopodium citri sp. nov.; an endophytic species associated with Citrus medica L. var. sarcodactylis from Guangdong Province, China

Innovative Institute for Plant Health; Zhongkai University of Agriculture and Engineering; Guangzhou 510225; P.R. China
Innovative Institute for Plant Health; Zhongkai University of Agriculture and Engineering; Guangzhou 510225; P.R. China
Innovative Institute for Plant Health; Zhongkai University of Agriculture and Engineering; Guangzhou 510225; P.R. China
Research Center of Microbial Diversity and Sustainable Utilization; Chiang Mai University; Chiang Mai 50200; Thailand; Department of Biology; Faculty of Science; Chiang Mai University; Chiang Mai 50200; Thailand
Innovative Institute for Plant Health; Zhongkai University of Agriculture and Engineering; Guangzhou 510225; P.R. China
Eudicots Fingered citron Phylogeny South Chinese fungi Herpotrichiellaceae Taxonomy


Fingered citron (Citrus medica var. sarcodactylis), is one of the fragrant herbs of the family Rutaceae. This plant is widely cultivated for its medicinal properties, food and flavoring uses, ornamental value, and cultural significance. In this study, we collected fruits of fingered citron in Deqing County, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province, China, and several isolates of an endophytic, pigmented hyphomycetes species were obtained. The DNA sequences of our isolates were compared and analysed with those in the NCBI database, revealing that they are closely related to Digitopodium. Maximum likelihood, Maximum parsimony and Bayesian analyses of combined LSU and ITS sequence data were performed to clarify the phylogenetic affinities of the species. Based on the distinctive morphological characters and phylogenetic support, a new species, Digitopodium citri sp. nov. is introduced. The new species is compared with other similar taxa and comprehensive descriptions and illustrations are provided. This is the first endophytic species of Digitopodium.


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How to Cite

LIANG, JIE-RONG, INDUNIL C. SENANAYAKE, ZHANG-YONG DONG, SINANG HONGSANAN, and MEI LUO. 2023. “<em>Digitopodium citri</em> Sp. nov.; an Endophytic Species Associated With <em>Citrus Medica </em>L. var.<em> sarcodactylis</em> From Guangdong Province, China”. Phytotaxa 616 (1):69-78.