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Type: Correspondence
Published: 2023-02-09
Page range: 55–58
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A note on the specimens of Kittonia hannaehannai’  (Bacillariophyta) figured in Long et al. (1946)

Dorfstrasse 33, CH – 8933, Maschwanden, Switzerland
Stresemannstraße, Kaiserslautern, Germany
The Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London, SW7 5BD, UK
Algae Bacillariophyta


In 1939, Lefébure & Chenevière described the Cretaceous fossil species Kittonia hannae Lefébure & Chenevière (1939: 23 pl. 1, fig. 3, see Sims & Williams 2022: fig. 8). The specimen figured was from the Moreno Shale deposit, California, USA, supplied by Dallas Hanna (1887–1970): “Moreno shale, Moreno Gulch in the Panoche Hills, Fresno County, California” […] “Sec. 6, T. 15 S., R. 12 E., M.D.B. & M., Fresno County, California” (Hanna 1934: 352, see also Hanna in Long et al. 1946: 91, Hanna 1927, Rampi 1940, Goudkoff 1945). Other specimens of Kittonia hannae were from another Moreno Shale exposure, “Sec. 24, T. 14, S., R. 11 E., Fresno County, California” (Hanna in Long et al. 1946: 93, Brigger & Hanna 1965: 4). A detailed discussion of the Moreno deposit can be found in Hanna (1927: 10), Long et al. (1946), Nikolaev et al. (2001) and Davies et al. (2012), and a review of the genus Kittonia was undertaken by Brigger & Hanna (1965).


<p>Brigger, A.L. &amp; Hanna, G.D. (1965) A review of <em>Kittonia</em>, a genus of diatoms. <em>Occasional Papers of the California Academy of Sciences </em>50: 1–10. []</p>
<p>Chambers, P.E. (1997 [1996]) <em>Late Cretaceous and Palaeocene marine diatom floras</em>. Thesis, Department of Geological Sciences, University College London.</p>
<p>Davies, A., Kemp, A.E.S., Weedon, G.P. &amp; Barron, J.A. (2012) El Niño-Southern Oscillation variability from the Cretaceous Marca Shale of California. <em>Geology</em> 40: 15–18.</p>
<p>Goudkoff, P.P. (1945) Stratigraphic relations of Upper Cretaceous in Great Valley, California. <em>Bulletin of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists</em> 29: 956–1007.</p>
<p>Grove, E. &amp; Sturt, G. (1887) On a fossil marine Diatomaceous Deposit from Oamaru, Otago, New Zealand. Part III. <em>Journal of the Quekett Microscopical Club</em>, ser. 2, 3 (18): 63–78. []</p>
<p>Hanna, G.D. (1927) Cretaceous Diatoms from California. <em>Occasional Papers of the California Academy of Sciences</em> 13: 5–49. []</p>
<p>Hanna, G.D. (1934) Additional notes on diatoms from the Cretaceous of California. <em>Journal of Paleontology</em> 8: 352–355. []</p>
<p>Lefébure, P. &amp; Chenevière, E. (1939) Description et Iconographie de Diatomées rares ou nouvelles. II. <em>Bulletin de la Société Française de Microscopie</em> 8: 21–25.</p>
<p>Long, J.A., Fuge, D.P. &amp; Smith, J. (1946) Diatoms of the Moreno Shale. <em>Journal of Paleontology </em>20: 89–118 [Hanna, G.D. Introduction. Notes on the geology and general paleontology of the Moreno Shale, pp. 89–94; Long, J.A., Fuge, D.P. &amp; Smith, J. Description of fossils, pp. 94–118] []</p>
<p>Nikolaev, V.A., Kociolek, J.P., Fourtanier, E., Barron, J.A. &amp; Harwood, D.M. (2001) <em>Late Cretaceous diatoms (Bacillariophyceae) from the Marca Shale member of the Moreno Formation, California</em>. <em>Occasional Papers of the California Academy of Sciences</em> 152, 119 pp.</p>
<p>Rampi, L. (1940) Archaeomonadacee del Cretaceo Americano. <em>Atti della Società Italiana di Scienze Naturali e del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale in Milano </em>79 (1): 60–68.</p>
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<p>Sims, P.A. &amp; Williams, D.M. (2022) Description of the new species <em>Kittonia kempii </em>(Biddulphiales: Kittoniaceae) with comments on <em>Kittonia hannai </em>P. Lefébure &amp; Chenevière and <em>Kittonia gigantea </em>(Greville) De Toni. <em>Phytotaxa</em> 573 (2): 275–285.</p>
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<p>Wornardt, W.W. (1972) Stratigraphic distribution of diatom genera in marine sediments in western North America. <em>Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology</em> 12: 49–74.&nbsp;</p>