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Published: 2022-06-10
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Etymological compendium of cycad names

Research Associate, Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden, 10901 Old Cutler Rd., Coral Gables, Florida, U.S.A.
Cycadales nomenclature Gymnosperms


The meanings of some cycad names are self-explanatory, but many others are not. This compendium provides the etymological derivations of the names of all currently accepted cycad genera, species, and infraspecific taxa, with their authorities and dates and pages of publication. It is meant to complement the World List of Cycads, and as such, it will be periodically updated following changes in taxonomy and nomenclature.


<p>Brown, R. (1810) Cycadeae. <em>Prodromus Florae Novae Hollandiae et Insulae van-Diemen </em>1: 348.</p>
<p>Brummitt, R.K. &amp; Powell, C.E. (1992) <em>Authors of Plant Names</em>. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 736 pp.</p>
<p>Calonje, M., Stevenson, D.W. &amp; Osborne, R. (2022) <em>The World List of Cycads</em>, online edition (2013–2022), Montgomery Botanical Center, Coral Gables, FL, USA. Available from: (Accessed 10 April 2022)</p>
<p>Cykasy (2022) Cycads in Russia. <em>Czech Cycads.</em> Available from: (Accessed 13 April 2022)</p>
<p>de Candolle, A.P. (1868) Cycadaceae. <em>Prodromus</em> 16 (2): 539.</p>
<p>Dyer, R.A. (1965) New species and notes on type specimens of South African <em>Encephalartos</em>. <em>Journal of South African Botany</em> 31: 111–113.</p>
<p>Feng, X.-Y., Wang, X.-H., Chaing, Y.-C., Jian, S.-G. &amp; Gong, X. (2021) Species delimitation with distinct methods based on molecular data to elucidate species boundaries in the <em>Cycas taiwaniana</em> complex (Cycadaceae). <em>Taxon</em> 70 (3): 477–491.</p>
<p>Giddy, C. (1984) <em>Cycads of South Africa, 2<sup>nd</sup> Edition</em>. C. Struik, Cape Town, South Africa, 112 pp.</p>
<p>Goode, D. (1989) <em>Cycads of Africa</em>. Tien Wah Press, Singapore, 256 pp.</p>
<p>Griffith, M.P., Meerow, A.W., Calonje, M., Gonzalez, E., Nakamura, K. &amp; Francisco-Ortega, J. (2022) Genetic patterns of <em>Zamia</em> in Florida are consistent with ancient human influence and recent near extirpation. <em>International Journal of Plant Sciences</em> 183 (3): 169–185.&nbsp;</p>
<p>Grobbelaar, N. (2002) <em>Cycads, with Special Reference to the Southern African Species</em>. Published by the author, 331 pp.</p>
<p>Haynes, J.L. (2009) <em>Etymological Compendium of Cycad Names</em>. The Cycad Society, Miami, FL, USA. Available from: (Accessed 10 April 2022)</p>
<p>Hill, K. &amp; Osborne, R. (2001) <em>Cycads of Australia</em>. Kangaroo Press, Sydney, Australia, 116 pp.</p>
<p>Hill, K.D., Jones, D.L. &amp; Forster, P.I. (1998) Zamiaceae. <em>In</em>: <em>Flora of Australia, vol. 48: Ferns, Gymnosperms and Allied Groups</em>, Victoria Australian Biological Resources Study &amp; C.S.I.R.O., Collingwood, pp. 717–719.</p>
<p>Hill, K.D. &amp; Stevenson, D.W. (2012) <em>The Cycad Pages</em>, Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney, Australia. Archive available from: (accessed from web archive: 10 April 2022)</p>
<p>Hill, W. (1865) <em>Catakidozamia</em>, Hill. <em>Gard. Chron</em>. 22 (47): 1107.</p>
<p>Hurter, P.J.H. (2001) <em>Encephalartos relictus</em>: a new species from southern Africa. <em>Bothalia</em> 31 (2): 197–199.&nbsp;</p>
<p>ICBN (1994) <em>International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (Tokyo Code). Regnum Vegetabile 131</em>. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein. Available from: (accessed 30 April 2022).</p>
<p>IPNI (2022). <em>International Plant Names Index</em>. The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Harvard University Herbaria &amp; Libraries and Australian National Botanic Gardens. Published on the Internet: (Accessed 10 January 2022)</p>
<p>IUCN 2022. IUCN/Species Survival Commission Cycad Specialist Group, Coral Gables, FL, USA<em>.</em> Available from: (Accessed 16 February 2022)</p>
<p>Jones, D.L. (1993) <em>Cycads of the World</em>. Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., 312 pp.</p>
<p>Jones, D.L. (2002) <em>Cycads of the World, 2<sup>nd</sup> Edition</em>. Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., 456 pp.</p>
<p>Kunze, G. (1839) Additamentum enumerationis filicum mexicanarum, partim a B. Schiedeo, partim a cl. car. Ehrenbergio aliisque collectarum. <em>Linnaea</em> 13: 129–153.</p>
<p>Latin Dictionary (2021) <em>Latin Dictionary</em>, online edition, Olivetti Medica Communication, Candaba, Philippines. Available from: (Accessed 27 July 2021)</p>
<p>Lehmann, J.G. (1834) De plantis Cycadeis preasertim Africae australis. <em>Nov. Stirp. Pug. </em>6: 1–16.</p>
<p>Lindley, J. (1843) <em>Dioon edule</em>. <em>Edward’s Bot. Reg. </em>29: 59–60. [<em>Dioon edule</em>]</p>
<p>Linnaeus, C. (1737) <em>Critica Botanica</em>. Lugduni Batavorum: Apud Conradum Wishoff, Leiden, Germany, 270 pp.</p>
<p>Linnaeus, C. (1753) Palmae Pennatifoliae. Pennatifoliae. <em>Cycas</em>. <em>Species Plantarum</em> 2: 1188.</p>
<p>Linnaeus, C. (1763) Palmae Pennatifoliae. <em>Zamia.</em> <em>Species Plantarum </em>2: 1658–1659. [<em>Zamia pumila</em>]</p>
<p>Martínez-Domínguez, L., Nicolalde-Morejón, F., Vergara-Silva, F., Stevenson, D.W. &amp; del Callejo, E. (2017) Cryptic diversity, sympatry, and other integrative taxonomy scenarios in the Mexican <em>Ceratozamia miqueliana</em> complex (Zamiaceae). <em>Organisms, Diversity &amp; Evolution</em> 17 (4): 727–752.&nbsp;</p>
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<p>Moore, C. (1884) Notes on the genus <em>Macrozamia</em>. <em>Journal of the Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales Sydney, N.S.W. </em>17: 115–122.</p>
<p>Newton, L.E. (1978) A new cycad subspecies from Nigeria. <em>Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society</em> 77 (2): 125–129.&nbsp;</p>
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<p>Schweinfurth, G.A. (1871) Cycadaceae. <em>Bot. Zeitung (Berlin)</em> 29 (20): 334.</p>
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