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Type: Article
Published: 2021-12-30
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New and interesting species of Agaricomycetes from Panama

Department of Mycology, Goethe University of Frankfurt am Main, Max-von-Laue Straße 13, 60439 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Department of Mycology, Goethe University of Frankfurt am Main, Max-von-Laue Straße 13, 60439 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Schafmarktstraße 6, 89584 Ehingen (Donau), Germany
Centro de Investigaciones Micológicas (CIMi), Herbario UCH, Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí, 0427 David, Chiriquí Province, Panama
Department of Mycology, Goethe University of Frankfurt am Main, Max-von-Laue Straße 13, 60439 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
montane Quercus forest neotropic phylogeny Fungi


Panama forms part of the Central American biodiversity hotspot, one of the most important biodiversity hotspots in the world. While plants are relatively well studied in Panama, the documentation of fungal diversity is still in a pioneer phase. In this publication, four species of Agaricomycetes recently collected in Panama are described as new to science, two in Agaricales, namely Gliophorus roseus and Humidicutis roseorubra, a lichenised species in Cantharellales, called Multiclavula caput-serpentis, and a species in Gomphales, called Gloeocantharellus salmonicolor. These species are described and illustrated. Their phylogenetic affinities are discussed based on morphological characters and molecular phylogenies. Further six species of Agaricales, which have not been reported from Panama before, are presented as new records for the country, along with data on their morphology, ecology and taxonomy.


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