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Type: Article
Published: 2021-01-29
Page range: 159–172
Abstract views: 37
PDF downloaded: 4

Amanita vladimirii (Amanitaceae, Agaricales), a new European species in section Vaginatae

The studies of Hana Ševčíková appears through the institutional support of long-term conceptual development of research institutions Moravian Museum provided by the Ministry of Culture (ref. MK000094862).
341, rue de Montjustin, F–70200 Arpenans, France
ULR 4515 – LGCgE, Faculté de pharmacie, Univ. Lille, F-59000 Lille, France
Amanitopsis taxonomy phylogeny Fungi


Amanita vladimirii, a new species in sect. Vaginatae, is described and illustrated based on collections from the Czech Republic and France. The distinctive sequences of the LSU, ITS and tef1-α genetic markers, support the status of A. vladimirii as a new species. Amanita vladimirii is characterised by a greyish pileus striate at margin, a whitish stipe; and a relatively thin, but firm, membranous volva which is externally white with brownish yellow tinges where touched and internally is white-beige or greyish beige. Microscopically, the universal veil is composed of 3 layers; globose basidiospores; a ramose subhymenium; lamellar trama reduced to a mediostratum composed of parallel elements and a pileipellis without a differentiated subpellis.