Species of Tricholoma are relatively well-studied in Europe and North America. On the contrary, the study of the genus in East Asia is still limited, particularly in China, although nearly 50 species were reported from the country. In this paper, we describe and illustrate two new species of T. sect. Genuina, namely T. orienticolossus and T. orientifulvum, based on morphological characteristics and molecular phylogenetic evidence. Phylogenetically, T. orienticolossus is close to T. colossus, but differs from the latter by its absence of bitter taste, unchanging context, much longer basidia, wider basidiopores, and association with Abies trees. Tricholoma orientifulvum is similar to T. fulvum, but differs from the latter by its soap odor and association with subtropical trees of Lithocarpus, Quercus and Pinus kesiya.