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Type: Article
Published: 2014-05-19
Page range: 035–040
Abstract views: 89
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Echeveria marianae (Crassulaceae), a new species from Jalisco, México

CIIDIR-IPN Michoacán, Justo Sierra 28, Jiquilpan, Michoacán, CP, 59510, México


Curator Herbarium CIMI
Wilfrid Laurier University


Department of Biology; Associate Professor; Curator WLU herbarium
corolla appendages conservation morphology scanning electron microscopy taxonomy ser. Gibbiflorae


A new species, Echeveria marianae (Crassulaceae) is described from Sierra del Tigre, Valle de Juárez, State of Jalisco, Mexico. The species belongs to ser. Gibbiflorae due to of its acaulescent or short caulescent rosette habit, paniculiform inflorescence, conical-urceolate corolla, and tricolpate pollen grains. Within ser. Gibbiflorae it shares morphological affinities with E. novogaliciana and E. dactylifera from which it differs in the shape, color and margin of leaves, corolla size and color, stamen length, nectaries morphology, and its geographical distribution.

How to Cite

GARCÍA-RUIZ, IGNACIO, and MIHAI COSTEA. 2014. “<em>Echeveria</em> <em>marianae</Em> (Crassulaceae), a New Species from Jalisco, México”. Phytotaxa 170 (1):035–040.