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Type: Correspondence
Published: 2014-03-10
Page range: 107–110
Abstract views: 18
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Nomenclatural notes on Tectaria blepharorachis (comb. nov.) and T. fibrillosa (Tectariaceae; Pteridophyta) for Malagasy fern flora

International Cultivar Registration Center for Osmanthus, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing, Jiangsu, 210037, P. R. China
Missouri Botanical Garden
Tectaria blepharorachis T. fibrillosa Tectariaceae Pteridophyta Malagasy fern flora


While working on a monograph of Ctenitis (Dryopteridaceae) found in Madagascar we discovered that two Tectaria-related names need nomenclatural attention: the name C. poolii (C.Christensen) Tardieu-Blot is not legimate, and Dryopteris blepharorachis C.Christensen should be reinstalled from synonymy. A new combination, Tectaria blepharorachis (C.Christensen) Li Bing Zhang & Yi F. Duan, is proposed. Line drawings of pinnae of the both related species are provided for identification purpose.