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Type: Article
Published: 2013-12-17
Page range: 38–46
Abstract views: 16
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Muscari erdalii (Asparagaceae, Scilloideae), a new species from Southern Turkey

Istanbul University

Serpil Demirci

Department of Pharmaceutical Botany
Istanbul University

Neriman Özhatay

Department of Pharmaceutical Botany
Istanbul University

Mine Koçyiğit

Department of Pharmaceutical Botany
Muscari Leopoldia Mersin taxonomy Turkey


Muscari erdalii is described as a new species from Mersin, Southern Turkey. A description, photographs and identification key to the subgenus Leopoldia for Turkish species are given. The morphological differences between the new species and related taxa (M. tenuiflorum Tausch, M. babachii Eker & Koyuncu) are also presented. Also the karyomorphology of M. erdalii, M. tenuiflorum and M. babachii is presented and discussed. The chromosome number of the new species is 2n = 18.