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Type: Correspondence
Published: 2013-09-13
Page range: 49–52
Abstract views: 17
PDF downloaded: 1

Primula mianyangensis (Primulaceae), a new species from Sichuan, China

A new species assigned to Primula section Aleuritia Duby is described and illustrated under the name P. mianyangensis G.Hao & C.M.Hu. The new species resembles P. socialis Chen & C.M.Hu in lacking a scape and having farinose leaves but differs by its muc


A new species assigned to Primula section Aleuritia Duby is described and illustrated under the name P. mianyangensis G.Hao & C.M.Hu. The new species resembles P. socialis Chen & C.M.Hu in lacking a scape and having farinose leaves, but differs by its much taller stature, long-petioled leaves and larger flowers.