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Type: Article
Published: 2013-09-13
Page range: 41–44
Abstract views: 80
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A new species of Tephrosia (Leguminosae-Papilionoideae-Millettieae) from Misiones, Argentina

A new species of Tephrosia endemic to Argentina is described and illustrated. Tephrosia fertilis has affinities with T. adunca based on the type and colour of indumentum but differs in the relative length of pedicel to bracts calyx indumentum presence


A new species of Tephrosia endemic to Argentina is described and illustrated. Tephrosia fertilis has affinities with T. adunca, based on the type and colour of indumentum, but differs in the relative length of pedicel to bracts, calyx indumentum, presence of a callus and the absence of secretory structure on the standard petal.

How to Cite

QUEIROZ, RUBENS TEIXEIRA DE, and ANA MARIA G. A. TOZZI. 2013. “A New Species of <em>Tephrosia</Em> (Leguminosae-Papilionoideae-Millettieae) from Misiones, Argentina”. Phytotaxa 131 (1):41–44.