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SCHLIEWE, MARCOS AUGUSTO, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Botânica, Departamento de Botânica, IB - Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Campus Darcy Ribeiro, Universidade de Brasília (UnB), 70919-970, Brasília, DF, Brazil Departamento de Áreas Acadêmicas, Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Goiás (IFG), Campus Formosa, Expansão Parque Lago, 73813-816, Formosa, GO, Brazil.
SCHMAL, PHILIPPE, Program of Forest Ecology and Management, Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg, Friedrichstr. 39, 79098, Freiburg, Germany. Instituto de Manejo e Certificação Florestal e Agrícola, Estrada Chico Mendes, 198, 13426-420, Piracicaba, SP, Brazil.
SCHMAL, PHILIPPE, Program of Forest Ecology and Management, Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg, Friedrichstr. 39, 79098, Freiburg, Germany.
SCHMAL, PHILIPPE, Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg; Program of Forest Ecology and Management; Friedrichstr. 39; 79098; Freiburg; Germany (Germany)
Schmidt, Alexander R, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
SCHMIDT, ALEXANDER R., Courant Research Centre Geobiology, Georg August University, Goldschmidtstraße 3, 37077 Göttingen, Germany.
Schmidt, Alexander R., Department of Geobiology, University of Göttingen, Goldschmidtstraße 3, 37077 Göttingen, Germany
Schmidt, Eder Carlos, Program in Cell Biology and Development, Department of Cell Biology, Embryology and Genetics, Federal University of Santa Catarina 88049-900, CP 476, Florianópolis, SC, Brazil
SCHMIDT, MARCO, Dept. of Botany and Molecular Evolution, Senckenberg Research Institute and Natural History Museum Frankfurt, Senckenberganlage 25, 60325 Frankfurt am Main, Germany Institute for Ecology, Evolution and Diversity, J.W. Goethe University, Max-von-Laue-Straße 13, 60438 Frankfurt am Main, Germany Senckenberg Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre, Georg-Voigt-Straße 14-16, 60325 Frankfurt am Main, Germany

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