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Published Articles

Dianthus pseudocrinitus (Caryophyllaceae), a new species from Northeast of Iran identified by morphological and molecular data

Jamil Vaezi , Maryam Behroozian , Farshid Memariani , Mohammad Reza Joharchi
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A new species of Hohenbergia (Bromeliaceae) from Bahia, Brazil

Jefferson Rodrigues Maciel , Rafael Batista Louzada
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The significance of one versus two styles: the return of Seddera section Socotroseddera to Convolvulus 

Javier A Luna , Sebsebe Demissew , Iain Darbyshire , Mark A Carine
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Weberbauerella chilensis (Fabaceae: Papilionoideae), a new species from the Atacama Desert, Chile

Patricio Saldivia , LUIS FAÚNDEZ
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Open Access

Exhuming Saint-Hilaire: revision of the Drosera villosa complex (Droseraceae) supports 200 year-old neglected species concepts

Paulo Minatel Gonella , Fernando Rivadavia , Paulo Takeo Sano , Andreas Fleischmann
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Astragalus ramakianus, a new name for the Persian Astragalus turgidus Podlech (Leguminosae)

Sampath Kumar Venkatachalam , SARAVANAM KARTHIKEYAN
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Open Access

A new species of the genus Mallomonas (Chrysophyceae: Synurales), Mallomonas kuzminii sp. nov., from lake Frolikha (Russia, Baikal region)

Evgeniy Sergeevich Gusev , Maxim Sergeevich Kulikovskiy
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Two new species of Trachyandra sect. Liriothamnus (Xanthorrhoeaceae, Asphodeloideae) from the Western and Eastern Cape Provinces of South Africa

James Stephen Boatwright , John Charles Manning
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A new species of Oxytropis (Fabaceae: Papilionoideae) from India

Lal Babu Chaudhary , Omesh Bajpai , Soumit Kumar Behera , Nayan Sahu
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A proposal to distinguish several taxa in the Brazilian tree fern Cyathea corcovadensis (Cyatheaceae)

Marcus Lehnert , Anna Weigand
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