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Type: Correspondence
Published: 2013-04-26
Page range: 63–64
Abstract views: 31
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New combinations in Lejeunea with a new name to Otigoniolejeunea indica

Lejeunea New combinations Otigoniolejeunea indica


The subgenus Otigoniolejeunea Spruce (1884: 77) of Lejeunea Lib. (1820: 372) was initially described with five species, viz. L. acanthotis Spruce (1884: 227), L. cyrtotis Spruce (1884: 227), L. quinqueumbonata Spruce (1884: 227), L. schizotis Spruce (1884: 227) and L. xiphotis Spruce (1884: 227), all from South America. A few years later, the subgenus was upgraded to genus level by Schiffner (1895) who made the combinations Otigoniolejeunea xiphotis (Spruce) Schiffn. (1895: 125) and O. schizotis (Spruce) Schiffn. (1895: 125). The former species was designated as the lectotype of Otigoniolejeunea by Vanden Berghen (1948).

How to Cite

SINGH, S.K. 2013. “New Combinations in Lejeunea With a New Name to Otigoniolejeunea Indica”. Phytotaxa 96 (1):63–64.