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Type: Correspondence
Published: 2013-02-19
Page range: 15–18
Abstract views: 55
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Notes on Early Land Plants Today. 30. Transfer of some taxa from Anastrophyllum (Anastrophyllaceae, Marchantiophyta)

Anastrophyllaceae Marchantiophyta


The genus Anastrophyllum Stephani (1893: 139) was treated in a broad sense by e.g. Schuster (1969) and has usually been so until recently. De Roo et al. (2007) showed that the genus is polyphyletic and removed Sphenolobus (Lindberg 1874: 369) Berggren (1898: 22) and Crossocalyx Meylan (1939: 266). Subsequently Váňa & Engel (2013) removed subgenus Zantenia Hattori (1966: 342). However, two other elements remain, that also deserve to be removed.


How to Cite

VÁŇA, JIŘÍ, LARS SÖDERSTRÖM, ANDERS HAGBORG, and MATT VON KONRAT. 2013. “Notes on Early Land Plants Today. 30. Transfer of Some Taxa from Anastrophyllum (Anastrophyllaceae, Marchantiophyta)”. Phytotaxa 81 (1):15–18.