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Type: Correspondence
Published: 2013-01-18
Page range: 1–4
Abstract views: 19
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Oxypetalum lividum, a new species of Asclepiadoideae (Apocynaceae) from Peru

Asclepiadaceae biodiversity Selva Alta IUCN Red List taxonomy


Oxypetalum lividum (Apocynaceae, Asclepiadoideae), a new species from the Department of San Martín, Peru, is here described and illustrated. Oxypetalum lividum is similar to O. weberbaueri, but it differs by its sessile, 15-florous inflorescences, pedicels 0.73.5 mm long, and flowers 911 mm long, which are borne on short pedicels 0.73.5 mm long; whereas O. weberbaueri has pedunculate, 1020-florous inflorescences, pedicels 57 mm long, and flowers ca. 20 mm long. The bluish-green leaves of O. lividum may also distinguish it from all other species of the genus.