Only two species of Tephrocybella have been reported, both from Italy. In this study, Tephrocybella calocyboides sp. nov. is introduced from the Liaoning Province, China. This species is mainly characterized by small basidiomata and a pale orange-yellow pileus, which turns black when bruised. The surface of the basidiospores is small, round verruculose, as viewed using an electron microscope. Phylogenetic analyses were conducted using the internal transcribed spacer (ITS), ribosomal RNA large subunit (nrLSU), and RNA polymerase II second-largest subunit (rpb2) loci. The results indicate that the collection belongs to the genus Tephrocybella and is different from the two previously reported Tephrocybella species. This is the first report on the genus Tephrocybella in China. Thus, the discovery of T. calocyboides increases the species diversity of the genus Tephrocybella.
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