During an ongoing taxonomic revision, a new species of Rhynchospora section Pauciflorae subsect. Pauciflorae subsect. Plumososetosae Kükenthal was found in the savannas (Cerrados) of Minas Gerais, Southeast Brazil. The new taxon is also the first record of amphi-basicarpy for the genus Rhynchospora. The new species is compared to Rhynchospora armerioides J. Presl & C. Presl, R. barbata (Vahl) Kunth and R. hirta (Nees) Boeckeler, and differs from them by the presence of amphi-basicarpic spikelets, upper spikelet length, number of glumes and male flowers per upper spikelet, nutlet surface texture, style base margins, and perianth bristle length. Here we provide a new species description, taxonomic comments, distribution map, habitat, and illustrations.
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