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Type: Article
Published: 2025-03-25
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Russula subterranea, a new sequestrate species of Russulaceae from China

College of Life Science, Capital Normal University, Xisanhuanbeilu 105, Haidian, Beijing 100048, China
Natural History Museum of China, Tianqiaonandajie 126, Dongcheng, Beijing 100000, China
College of Life Science, Capital Normal University, Xisanhuanbeilu 105, Haidian, Beijing 100048, China
angiocarpic hypogeous phylogenetic analysis Russulaceae taxonomy Fungi


A new sequestrate species, Russula subterranea, is described and illustrated from China in this study. Morphologically, R. subterranea is characterized by the brownish red to deep brown basidiomata and hymenophore, yellowish-brown to brown, globose to subglobose basidiospores ornamented with very densely isolated amyloid spines, and the absence of pileocystidia, cystidioles sporadically, having conspicuous amorphous contents. Our phylogenetic analysis supported the taxonomic position of the new species in Russula subgenus Russula subsection Laricinae.


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How to Cite

FU, HAO-YU, TING LI, and LI FAN. 2025. “<em>Russula subterranea</Em>, a New Sequestrate Species of Russulaceae from China”. Phytotaxa 695 (1):80-90.