In this study, the stem and leaf anatomy of 11 Turkish species of Herniaria are investigated. The results obtained reveals various anatomical characteristics which are useful to distinguish the examined species and, therefore, having taxonomic value. Especially, the number of stem cortex cells, sclerenchyma, and spongy parenchyma layers were found to be significant taxonomic terms. Stem has collateral vascular bundle for all taxa. The mesophyll type is bifacial for all taxa. Based on the statistical analyses, H. cinerea subsp. euphratica and H. pisidica taxa are separated from the rest of the investigated taxa. Hierarchical clustering shows that H. cinerea subsp. euphratica taxon is separated from other taxa. As a result of statistical analyses and anatomical findings, the systematic position of the H. cinerea subsp. euphratica taxon sould be reconsidered.
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