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Type: Article
Published: 2025-01-08
Page range: 93-101
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Malesherbia dillonii (Malesherbioideae, Passifloraceae) a new species endemic to southern Peru

Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa. Calle Santa Catalina 117, Arequipa, Perú
Herbario Sur Peruano (HSP), Instituto Científico Michael Owen Dillon (IMOD). Calle Los Arces 339, Cayma, Arequipa, Perú
Herbario Sur Peruano (HSP), Instituto Científico Michael Owen Dillon (IMOD). Calle Los Arces 339, Cayma, Arequipa, Perú
Arequipa endangered lomas formation Eudicots


A new species, Malesherbia dillonii, endemic to southern Peru, is described and illustrated. The species is characterized as a strongly aromatic subshrub with linear, hirsute, pinnately lobed leaves; flowers white, tube long obconical with 23–30 mm length. A key to the Malesherbia species recorded in southern Peru, a comparative table of diagnostic characters among related species, the conservation status according to IUCN and a distribution map are provided.


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How to Cite

QUIPUSCOA-SILVESTRE, VICTOR, MARGARITA BALVIN-AGUILAR, and PAUL D. HOXEY. 2025. “<em>Malesherbia dillonii</Em> (Malesherbioideae, Passifloraceae) a New Species Endemic to Southern Peru”. Phytotaxa 681 (1):93-101.