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Type: Article
Published: 2024-11-12
Page range: 175-182
Abstract views: 118
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Typification of the name Symphytum nodosum (Boraginaceae)

Department of Forest Sciences, PO box 27, University of Helsinki, FIN-00014 Helsinki, Finland
Symphytum tuberosum lectotype subspecies intraspecific classification Eudicots


The name Symphytum nodosum (Boraginaceae) is typified based on the original Schur’s collection preserved in the herbarium of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (LW). Availability of the original material of S. nodosum allows to clarify the identity of this poorly understood taxon. Morphological distinctiveness of S. nodosum justifies its recognition at the rank of subspecies of S. tuberosum. The updated infraspecific classification of S. tuberosum is proposed, with a new combination (S. tuberosum subsp. leonhardtianum) introduced to accommodate dodecaploid populations (2n=96) of S. tuberosum previously referred to either as S. tuberosum subsp. angustifolium or S. tuberosum subsp. nodosum.


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