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Type: Article
Published: 2024-06-19
Page range: 290-296
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Gomphonema beaugerianum, a new Gomphonema species (Bacillariophyta) found in a historic William Smith sample from the Auvergne (France)

Meise Botanic Garden, Research Department, Nieuwelaan 38, 1860 Meise, Belgium. University of Antwerp, Department of Biology – ECOSPHERE, Universiteitsplein 1, 2610 Wilrijk, Belgium.
Gomphonema Europe historic material new species Algae


A large, unknown Gomphonema taxon belonging to the G. truncatum group was observed in a historic sample collected by William Smith during his 1854 excursion in the Auvergne (France). The unknown species presented sufficient differences with all known taxa in the truncatum-capitatum group to warrant further morphological investigations. Detailed light and scanning electron microscopy investigations in comparison with all published literature revealed that the unknown species had a unique combination of morphological (uniseriate striae, lack of well-develop headpole) and morphometric (large valve width) features. Therefore, the species is described as new: Gomphonema beaugerianum sp. nov. The new species was observed in Lac de Guéry, an oligotrophic, almost circumneutral lake in the Auvergne with a high ecological quality.


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