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Type: Article
Published: 2024-03-21
Page range: 295-300
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A new fossil species of Callipteris (Callipteridae) in the Early Permian from the Xishan Area in Beijing, North China

Cores and Samples Center of Land & Resources (CSCLR); Sanhe; 065201; Hebei; China; The School of GeoSciences; The University of Edinburgh; Edinburgh; EH15 3PZ; UK
Cores and Samples Center of Land & Resources (CSCLR); Sanhe; 065201; Hebei; China
Cores and Samples Center of Land & Resources (CSCLR); Sanhe; 065201; Hebei; China
East Asia Pteridospermatophyta Medullosa Pteridophytes


A new early Permian Medullosa (Pteridospermatophyta) is described based on a moderately well-preserved sample from Xishan Area in Beijing, North China. Callipteris seshufenensis Chen sp. nov. represents the first record of genus Callipteris in the early Permian period in Beijing region. Callipteris seshufenensis has a remarkable morphology characterized by a narrow midvein with distinct transverse stripes, small pinnules with 2–3 lateral branches directly connected with pinna-rachis except for the rounded-obtuse apex of pinnule and costule divided more than three times (sometimes more than five times). Together with coeval callipterid fossils recorded from the North China plate and the Siberian plate, the present discovery suggests that the migration route of callipterids in China extended from West China to Northeast China.


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How to Cite

CHEN, XIN-YU, HUA-CHUAN ZHANG, and JIN-YUE YANG. 2024. “A New Fossil Species of <em>Callipteris</Em> (Callipteridae) in the Early Permian from the Xishan Area in Beijing, North China”. Phytotaxa 641 (4):295-300.