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Type: Article
Published: 2024-02-22
Page range: 251-260
Abstract views: 114
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A new species of Compsoneura (Myristicaceae) from interandean valleys of middle Magdalena and lower Cauca rivers, Colombia

Jardín Botánico de Bogotá “José Celestino Mutis”, Av José Celestino Mutis #68-95, Bogotá, Colombia. Universidad del Tolima, Grupo de Investigación de Biodiversidad y Dinámica de Ecosistemas Boscosos-GIBDET.
Jardín Botánico Joaquín Antonio Uribe de Medellín, Calle 73 51D-14, Medellín, Colombia.
endemic species lowlands Ateles tree Magnoliids


Compsoneura choibo, a new species of Myristicaceae from lowland wet forests located in interandean valleys in middle Magdalena (inhabited by Ateles hybridus) and lower Cauca rivers, Colombia, is described, illustrated, and its morphological relationships with allied species is discussed. This new species is similar to C. mutisii, but it is characterized by the fruits with smooth pericarp but densely covered by T-shaped trichomes. A morphological description, taxonomic comments, an illustration, information about its current conservation status and an updated key to species of Compsoneura are presented. Compsoneura has its center of distribution in Colombia, where 12 of the species are known to occur.



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How to Cite

TAMAYO, BORIS VILLANUEVA, and ÁLVARO COGOLLO PACHECO. 2024. “A New Species of<em> </em><em>Compsoneura</em><em> </Em>(Myristicaceae) from Interandean Valleys of Middle Magdalena and Lower Cauca Rivers, Colombia”. Phytotaxa 637 (3):251-60.