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Type: Article
Published: 2024-02-15
Page range: 113-119
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Anaphalis munnarensis (Asteraceae: Asteroideae: Gnaphalieae): a new species from southern Western Ghats, Kerala, India

Post Graduate and Research Department of Botany; Govt. Victoria College (University of Calicut); Palakkad; Kerala; PIN 678001; India
Post Graduate and Research Department of Botany; Govt. Victoria College (University of Calicut); Palakkad; Kerala; PIN 678001; India
Post Graduate and Research Department of Botany; Govt. Victoria College (University of Calicut); Palakkad; Kerala; PIN 678001; India
Post Graduate and Research Department of Botany; Govt. Victoria College (University of Calicut); Palakkad; Kerala; PIN 678001; India
Post Graduate and Research Department of Botany; Govt. Victoria College (University of Calicut); Palakkad; Kerala; PIN 678001; India; Govt: Arts and Science College (University of Calicut); Tholanur; Palakkad; Kerala; PIN 678722; India
Anaphalis contorta Anaphalis meeboldii dimorphic pappus Munnar subdioecy Eudicots


Anaphalis munnarensis, a new taxon belonging to the family Asteraceae from montane grasslands of Meesapulimala of southern Western Ghats, Kerala, India, is described and illustrated. The new species exhibits some morphological affinities with its allied species Anaphalis meeboldii, but differs in many attributes. A description of the new species along with details on its distribution and ecology, illustration, colour photographs and comparisons with its allied taxa are provided.



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How to Cite

REMYA, SIVAKUMARAN, ABDUL AZEEZ MUHSINA, GOVINDAN KANAKAMBIKA, SUBRAMANIAN ATHIRA, and CHANDRASEKHARAN NAIR MAYA. 2024. “<em>Anaphalis</em> <em>munnarensis </em>(Asteraceae: Asteroideae: Gnaphalieae): A New Species from Southern Western Ghats, Kerala, India”. Phytotaxa 637 (1):113-19.