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Type: Correspondence
Published: 2024-02-09
Page range: 259-260
Abstract views: 63
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Clarification of the correct authorship of Cremanthodium prattii, with lectotypification of Senecio prattii

Key Laboratory of Plant Resources Conservation and Sustainable Utilization, South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510650, Guangdong, China, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
Key Laboratory of Plant Resources Conservation and Sustainable Utilization, South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510650, Guangdong, China
Eudicots Cremanthodium prattii Senecio prattii


Senecio prattii Hemsley (1896: pl. 2491) was described based on three collections, i.e. A. E. Pratt 492, A. E. Pratt 548 and A. E. Pratt 593, all from Kangding, western Sichuan, China. After its publication, it was considered as a distinct member of Cremanthodium Bentham (1873: 37) and its independent specific status has been widely recognized by all the subsequent authors, including Dunn (1911), Good (1929), Handel-Mazzetti (1938), Hu (1966), Koyama (1968), Liu (1989), Chen & Li (1994), Liu & Illarionova (2011), and Chen (2019).


  1. Bentham, G. (1873) Cremanthodium reniforme, Benth. Compositae, Tribe Senecionideae. Hooker’s Icones Plantarum 12: 36−39.
  2. Chen, Y.S. (2019) A Preliminary Catalogue of Vascular Plants in the Pan-Himalaya. Science Press, Beijing & Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 371 pp.
  3. Chen, Y.L. & Li, Z.Y. (1994) Cremanthodium Benth. In: Wang, W.T. (Ed.) Vascular Plants of the Hengduan Mountains, vol. 2. Science Press, Beijing, pp. 2076−2085.
  4. Dunn, S.T. (1911) A supplementary list of Chinese flowering plants, 1904−1910. The Journal of the Linnean Society of London 39: 411−506.
  5. Forbes, F.B. & Hemsley, W.B. (1886−1888) Enumeration of all the plants known from China Proper, Formosa, Hainan, the Corea, the Luchu Archipelago, and the island of Hongkong; together with their distribution and synonymy. The Journal of the Linnean Society of London 23: 1–489.
  6. Good, R.D. (1929) The taxonomy and geography of the Sino-Himalayan genus Cremanthodium Benth. The Journal of the Linnean Society of London 48: 259−316.
  7. Handel-Mazzetti, H. (1938) Plantae sinenses a Dre. H. Smith annis 1921–1922, 1924 et 1934 lectae, XXXII. Compositae. 2. Acta Horti Gothoburgensis 12: 203–359.
  8. Hemsley, W.B. (1896) Senecio prattii, Hemsl. Compositae. Sub-order Senecionideae. Hooker’s Icones Plantarum 25: pl. 2491.
  9. Hu, S.Y. (1966) The Compositae of China (IV). Quarterly Journal of the Taiwan Museum 19: 203–301.
  10. Koyama, H. (1968) Taxonomic studies on the tribe Senecioneae of Eastern Asia. II. Enumeration of the species of Eastern Asia. Memoirs of the Faculty of Sciences, Kyoto University, Series of Biology 2: 19–60.
  11. Liu, S.W. (1989) Cremanthodium Benth. In: Ling, Y. & Liu, S.W. (Eds.) Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae, vol. 77 (2). Science Press, Beijing, pp. 115−171.
  12. Liu, S.W. & Illarionova, I.D. (2011) Cremanthodium Bentham. In: Wu, Z.Y. & Raven, P.H. (Eds.) Flora of China, vol. 20−21. Science Press, Beijing & Missouri Botanical Garden Press, St. Louis, pp. 415–435.
  13. Turland, N.J., Wiersema, J.H., Barrie, F.R., Greuter, W., Hawksworth, D.L., Herendeen, P.S., Knapp, S., Kusber, W.-H., Li, D.-Z., Marhold, K., May, T.W., McNeill, J., Monro, A.M., Prado, J., Price, M.J. & Smith, G.F. (2018) International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (Shenzhen Code). Regnum Vegetabile 159. Koeltz Botanical Books, Glashütten, 254 pp.

How to Cite

CHI, XIAO-RUI, and LONG WANG. 2024. “/Em&gt”;. Phytotaxa 636 (3):259-60.