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Published: 2024-02-01
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Notes on the nomenclature of the genus name Vereia, the earliest-published synonym of Kalanchoe, and the species published in Vereia (Crassulaceae subfam. Kalanchooideae)

Ria Olivier Herbarium, Department of Botany, Nelson Mandela University, P.O. Box 77000, Gqeberha, 6031 South Africa
history synonymy taxonomy Eudicots


At the rank of genus, at least seven names have been published for taxa that are today included in Kalanchoe (Crassulaceae subfam. Kalanchooideae). Kalanchoe is the earliest validly published and legitimate name that must be used for the ca. 200 tetramerous-flowered taxa recognised in the genus. Kalanchoe has a wide natural geographical distribution range that stretches from Madagascar and some of the nearby Indian Ocean islands, through most of sub-Saharan Africa and the northern parts of North Africa to the Middle, Near, and Far East, more or less south of the latitude of 35⁰ N. The nomenclature of the genus name Vereia, for which five different spellings have been recorded, is reviewed here. Vereia is the earliest synonym of Kalanchoe. Notes are provided on the natural geographical distribution range of K. crenata, the accepted name of the type, V. crenata, of the genus Vereia. The species names published in Vereia are assigned to species in Kalanchoe.


  1. Adanson, M. (1763) Familles des plantes. Contenant une Préface Historike sur l’état ancien & actuel de la Botanike, & une Téorie de cette Science. II. Partie. [Kalanchoe described on p. 248.] Chez Vincent, Imprimeur-Libraire de Mgr le Comte de Provence, rue S, Severin, Paris, 640 pp. []
  2. Andrews, H.[C.] (1798) The botanist’s repository, for new, and rare plants. Containing coloured figures of such plants, as have not hitherto appeared in any similar publication; with all their essential characters, botanically arranged, after the sexual system of the celebrated Linnaeus; in English and Latin. To each description is added, a short history of the plant, as to its time of flowering, culture, native place of growth, when introduced, and by whom. The whole executed by Henry Andrews, author of the coloured engravings of heaths, in folio. [Vereia crenata Andrews treated in Vol. 1: t. 21 (1798).] Printed by T. Bensley, and published by the author, No 5, Knightsbridge. To be had of J. White, Fleet-street, and all the Booksellers, London, 42 plates; pages not numbered. []
  3. Andrews, H.[C.] (1809) The botanist’s repository, for new, and rare plants. Containing coloured figures of such plants, as have not hitherto appeared in any similar publication; with all their essential characters, botanically arranged, after the sexual system of the celebrated Linnaeus; in English and Latin. To each description is added, a short history of the plant, as to its time of flowering, culture, native place of growth, when introduced, and by whom. The whole executed by Henry Andrews, author of the coloured engravings of heaths, in folio. [Vereia acutiflora Andrews treated in Vol. 9(112–116): t. 560 (1809); plate itself, but not the text, apparently in error numbered “561”.] Printed by T. Bensley, and published by the author, No 5, Knightsbridge. To be had of J. White, Fleet-street, and all the Booksellers, London, plates DLIII–DCVIII; pages not numbered. []
  4. Arrigoni. P.V. (2006) The discovery of the Sardinian flora (XVIII–XIX Centuries). Bocconea 19: 7–31.
  5. Ascherson, P.[F.] & Schweinfurth, G.[A.] (1889) Illustration de la Flore d’Égypte. [Kalanchoe deficiens, as Calenchoë [sic] deficiens, on p. 79.] Mémoires de l’Institut Égyptien [Cairo] 2: 25–259. []
  6. Berger, A. (1930) Crassulaceae. Unterfam. II. Kalanchoideae [sic, Kalanchooideae]. 6. Kalanchoe Adanson. 7. Kitchingia Baker. 8. Bryophyllum Salisb. In: Engler, A. & Prantl, K. (Eds.) Die natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien, edn 2, 18a. Verlag von Wilhelm Engelmann, Leipzig, pp. 378–386, 402–412.
  7. Boiteau, P. & Allorge-Boiteau, L. (1995) Kalanchoe (Crassulacées) de Madagascar. Systématique, écophysiologie et phytochimie. ICSN, CNRS, 91198 Gif-sur-Yvette, Éditions Karthala, Paris, 252 pp.
  8. Candolle, A.P., de. (1801) Plantarum historia succulentarum. Histoire des plantes grasses, Vol. 2. Part 11. [Plate 64. Kalanchoë ægyptiaca DC. and Plate 65 Kalanchoë spathulata DC.] A.J. Dugour & Durand, Paris, 121 pp. & 49 plates. [Plantes grasses de P.J. Redouté peintre du Muséum National D’histoire naturelle, Décrites par A.P. Decandolle, Membre de la Société des Sciences Naturelles Genève, etc. Livraison. Prix, 3o francs la Livraison.—Il en paraîtra une aque mois. A. Paris, Chez Garnery, Libraire, rue de Seine, ancien Hôtel Mirabeau, Ant. Aug. Renouard, Libraire, rue S. André-des-Arcs, n°. 42. A Paris et à Strasbourg, chez les frères Levrault, Libraires. AN X.] []; []
  9. Candolle, A.P., de. (1802) Plantarum historia succulentarum. Histoire des plantes grasses, Vol. 2. Part 17. [Plate 100. Kalanchoe laciniata DC.] A.J. Dugour & Durand, Paris, 121 pp. & 49 plates. [Plantes grasses de P.J. Redouté peintre du Muséum National D’histoire naturelle, Décrites par A.P. Decandolle, Membre de la Société des Sciences Naturelles Genève, etc. Livraison. Prix, 3o francs la Livraison.—Il en paraîtra une aque mois. A. Paris, Chez Garnery, Libraire, rue de Seine, ancien Hôtel Mirabeau, Ant. Aug. Renouard, Libraire, rue S. André-des-Arcs, n°. 42. A Paris et à Strasbourg, chez les frères Levrault, Libraires. AN X.] []
  10. Candolle, A.P. de (1828 [mid-March]) Prodromus systematis naturalis regni vegetabilis, sive enumeratio contracta ordinum, generum, specierumque plantarum huc usque cognitarum, juxta methodi naturalis normas digesta. Pars Tertia. Sistens Calyciflorarum Ordines XXVI. Sumptibus Sociorum Treuttel et Wurtz, rue de Bourbon, no 17, Paris, & Strasbourg & London, 494 pp. []
  11. Crosby, A.W. Jr. (2003) The Columbian Exchange. Biological and cultural consequences of 1492. 30th Anniversary edition. Praeger Publishers, Westport, Connecticut, London, 283 pp.
  12. Crouch, N.R. & Smith, G.F. (2009) Kalanchoe crenata subsp. crenata. Crassulaceae. Southern, eastern and tropical Africa. Flowering Plants of Africa 61: 62–68.
  13. Descoings, B. (2003) Kalanchoe. In: Eggli, U. (Ed.) Illustrated handbook of succulent plants: Crassulaceae. Springer-Verlag, Berlin and Heidelberg, pp. 143–181.
  14. Dietrich, D.N.F. (1840) Synopsis plantarum seu enumerado systematica plantarum plerumque adhoc cognitarum cum differentiis specificis et synonymis selectis ad modum Persoonii elaborata. Sectio secunda. Classis V–X. Sumtibus et typis Bernh. Frieder. Voigtii, Vimariae [Weimar], iv pp. + pp. 881–1642.
  15. Don, G. (1822) His journals from 13 November 1821 to 19 October 1822. Royal Horticultural Society Lindley Library: RHS/Col Catalogue of plant collector papers (RHS/Col/2/1/1). Archives of the Royal Horticultural Society, London.
  16. Dunér, D. (2020) The cultural semiotics of African encounters: eighteenth-century images of the other. Semiotica 232: 103–146.
  17. Eggli, U. (Ed.) (2003) Taxonomic cross-reference index. In: Eggli, U. (Ed.) Illustrated handbook of succulent plants: Crassulaceae. Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, pp. 385–458; whole work 458 pp. + XLVIII plates.
  18. Fernandes, R.B. (1980) Notes sur quelques espèces du genre Kalanchoe Adans. Boletim da Sociedade Broteriana (sér. 2.a) 53: 325–442.
  19. Figueiredo, E., Paiva, J., Stévart, T., Oliveira, F. & Smith, G.F. (2011) Annotated catalogue of the flowering plants of São Tomé and Príncipe. Bothalia 41 (1): 41–82.
  20. Figueiredo, E. & Smith, G.F. (2020) Friedrich Welwitsch and his overlooked contributions to the Flora of Tropical Africa, with a discussion of the names of Kalanchoe (Crassulaceae subfam. Kalanchooideae) that should be ascribed to Welwitsch alone. Phytotaxa 458 (1): 83–100.
  21. Forsskål, P. (1775) Flora Ægyptiaco-Arabica. Sive descriptiones plantarum, Quas per Ægyptum inferiorem et Arabiam felicem detexit […]. Ex officina Mölleri, aulæ Typographi. Prostat apud Heineck et Faber, Hauniæ, 220 pp.
  22. Goethe, J.W. von. (1790a) [An attempt to explain the] Metamorphosis of plants [Versuch die Metamorphose der Pflanzen zu erklären]. A new translation [2023] with Afterword. Translated by T. Newcomb. The complete works of Goethe. Vol. XVIV. Newcomb Livraria Press, place of publication not stated, 85 pp.; original German work 123 paragraphs [“§”] spread across 86 pp.
  23. Goethe, J.W. von. (1790b) The metamorphosis of plants. Introduction and photography by G.L. Miller. Massachusetts Institute of Technology [MIT] Press, Cambridge Massachusetts and London (United Kingdom), 123 pp.; original German work 123 paragraphs [“§”] spread across 86 pp.
  24. Goethe, J.W. von. (1857) “Mit einem Blatt Bryophyllum calycinum” [“With a leaf of Bryophyllum calycinum”], a poem written as part of a letter Goethe wrote to Marianne von Willemer on 19 April 1830, to which a leaf of Kalanchoe pinnata [= Bryophyllum calycinum] was attached. In: Goethe’s sämtliche Werke. In dreizig Bänden. Vollstandige, neugeordnete Ausgabe. Sechster Band, pp. 161–162. J.G. Cotta, Stuttgart, whole work 462 pp. []
  25. Hamet, R. (1907) Monographie du genre Kalanchoe. Bulletin de l’Herbier Boissier sér. 2 7: 869–900. []
  26. Hamet, R. (1908) Monographie du genre Kalanchoe (Suite et fin.). Bulletin de l’Herbier Boissier sér. 2 8: 17–48. []
  27. Haworth, A.H. (1812) Synopsis plantarum succulentarum, cum descriptionibus, synonymis, locis; observationibus anglicanis, culturaque. [Kalenchoe, sic. Kalanchoe, on pp. 109–110; Bryophyllum on p. 110.] Typis Richardi Taylor et Socii, Shoe-Lane, Londoni, 334 pp.; including ‘Appendix’.
  28. Haworth, A.H. (1821) Saxifragëarum enumeratio. Accedunt Revisiones plantarum succulentarum. [Kalanchöe Adanson on p. 23–24 of Revisiones plantarum succulentarum.] Venuent apud Wood, 428, Strand, [Typis R. et A. Taylor, Shoe-Lane], Londoni / In Ædibus [et ‘Typis’] R. et A. Taylor, Londoni, 62 pp. [Saxifragëarum enumeratio] + 207 pp. [Revisiones plantarum succulentarum].
  29. Haworth, A.H. (1824) XXXI. Decas novarum Plantarum Succulentarum. (“Mr Haworth’s Decade of new Succulent Plants.”). The Philosophical Magazine and Journal 64: 184–191.
  30. Haworth, A.H. (1825) III. Decas quarta novarum Plantarum Succulentarum (“Mr Haworth’s Fourth Decade of new Succulent Plants.”). The Philosophical Magazine and Journal 66: 27–33.
  31. Haworth, A.H. (1829) XLVII. A new account of the genus Kalanchöe. The Philosophical Magazine and Annals 6 (XXXIV): 301–305. []
  32. Hooker, J.D. (1864) On the plants of the temperate regions of the Cameroons Mountains and Islands in the Bight of Benin; collected by Mr. Gustav Mann, Government botanist. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society, Botany 7: 171–240. []
  33. IPNI. (2023+) The International Plant Names Index. Available from: (continuously updated; accessed 1 August 2023).
  34. Koorders, S.H. (1919) Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Flora von Java No. 18. Beschreibung von Kalanchoë Schumacheri vom Idjen-Plateau und Revision der Crassulaceae von Java. (Mit 2 lithographischen Tafeln.). Bulletin du Jardin Botanique de Buitenzorg sér. 3 1 (3): 169–180, Figures 14 and 15. [] (text); [] (figures)
  35. Lamarck, J-B.P.A. de M. de. (1786) Encyclopédie méthodique. Botanique. Tome second, 1. Chez Panckoucke, Libraire, Hôtel de Thou, rue des Poitevins, Paris, and Chez Plomteux, Imprimeur des Etats, Liège, 774 pp.
  36. Linnaeus, C. (1753) Species plantarum, exhibentes plantas rite cognitas, ad genera relatas, cum differentiis specificis, nominibus trivialibus, synonymis selectis, locis natalibus, secundum systema sexuale digestas. Volumes 1 and 2. Salvius, Stockholm, 560 pp. [volume 1] and 1200 pp. [total]; indices not paginated.
  37. Linnaeus, C. (1762) Species plantarum, exhibentes plantas rite cognitas, ad genera relatas, cum differentiis specificis, nominibus trivialibus, synonymis selectis, locis natalibus, secundum systema sexuale digestas. Tomus I. Editio secunda. Impensis direct. Laurentii Salvii, Holmiæ [Stockholm], 784 pp.
  38. Linnaeus, C. (1774) Caroli a Linné [...] Systema vegetabilium secundum classes ordines genera species cum characteribus et differentiis. Editio decima tertia accessionibus et emendationibus novissimis manu perillustris auctoris scriptis adornata a Joanne Andrea Murray D. [...].Typis et impensis Jo. Christ. Dietrich, Gottingae [Göttingen] et Gothae [Gotha], vii + 844 pp.
  39. Mabberley, D.J. (1983) Dr Smith’s Anemia, or, the prevention of later homonyms. Taxon 32 (1): 79–87.
  40. McOuat, G. (2001) Cataloguing power: delineating ‘competent naturalists’ and the meaning of species in the British Museum. The British Journal for the History of Science 34: 1–28. []
  41. Medikus, F.K. (1775) Cotyledon integra Medik. Historia et Commentationes Academiae Electoralis Scientiarum et Elegantiorum Litterarum Theodoro-Palatinae [Physicum] [Mannheim] III: 200, t. 9.
  42. Murray, J.A. (1784) Caroli à Linné equitis Systema vegetabilium secundum classes ordines genera species cum characteribus et differentiis. Editio decima quarta praecedente longe auctior et correctior curante Jo. Andrea Murray [...]. Typis et impensis Jo. Christ. Dieterich, Gottingae, 987 pp [‘Index’ pages not numbered].
  43. Persoon, C.H. (1805) Synopsis plantarum, seu enchiridium botanicum, complectens enumerationem systematicam specierum hucusque cognitorum. Pars prima. Apud Carol. Frid. Cramerum, Parisiis lutetiorum [Paris] et apud J.G. Cottam, Tubingæ [London], pp. 445–446; 546 pp. []
  44. Pfeiffer, L.[K.G.] (1873) Nomenclator botanicus. Nominum ad finem anni 1858 publici juris factorum, classes, ordines, tribus, familias, divisiones, genera, subgenera vel sectiones designantium enumeratio alphabetica. Adjectis Auctoribus, Temporibus, Locis systematicis apud Varios, Notis literariis atqae etymologicis et Synonymis, Vol. I. Pars prior. Sumptibus Theodori Fischeri, Cassellis [Kassel], 808 pp. [] (under Calanchoë)
  45. Pfeiffer, L.[K.G.] (1874) Nomenclator botanicus. Nominum ad finem anni 1858 publici juris factorum, classes, ordines, tribus, familias, divisiones, genera, subgenera vel sectiones designantium enumeratio alphabetica. Adjectis Auctoribus, Temporibus, Locis systematicis apud Varios, Notis literariis atqae etymologicis et Synonymis. Vol. I. Pars altera. Sumptibus Theodori Fischeri, Cassellis [Kassel], pp. 809–1876. [] (under Cotyledon; p. 896); [] (“Crassuleae”; p. 905); [] (the letter “K”; p. 1803); [] (as Kalanchoë; p. 1804)
  46. Roxburgh, W. (1814) Hortus bengalensis, or a catalogue of the plants growing in the honourable East India Company’s Botanic Garden at Calcutta. Printed at the Mission Press, Serampore, 105 pp. []
  47. Roxburgh, W. (1820) Flora indica; or descriptions of Indian plants, by the late William Roxburgh, [...] edited by William Carey, D.D. to which are added descriptions of plants more recently discovered by Nathaniel Wallich, [...]. Volumes 1 and 2. First edition. Printed at the Mission Press, Serampore, 493 pp. [vol. 1] + 588 pp. [vol. 2].
  48. Roxburgh, W. (1832) Flora indica; or, descriptions of Indian plants. By the late William Roxburgh, [...]. Edited by William Carey. Volume II. [1832 edition.] Printed for W. Thacker and Co., Calcutta, and Parbury, Allen and Co., London, Serampore, vi + 691 pp. []
  49. Salisbury, R.A. (1805) The Paradisus Londinensis: or coloured figures of plants cultivated in the vicinity of the metropolis 1. Published by William Hooker, No. 6, Frith Street, city not stated, presumably London, 157 pp. & 117 plates.
  50. Scopoli, J.A.G.A. (1760) Flora Carniolica Exhibens Plantas Carniolae Indigenas et Distributas in Classes Naturales cum Differentiis Specificis, Synonymis Recentiorum, Locis Natalibus, Nominibus Incolarum, Observationibus Selectis, Viribus Medicis. Sumptibus Joannis Thomæ Trattner, S. C. R. Apostolicæque maj. nec non inclyt. stat. int. Austriæ typographi et Bibliopolæ, Viennae [Vienna], 607 pp.
  51. Sims, J. (1812) Cotyledon crenata. Scollop-leaved navel-wort. [Kalanchoe crenata (Andrews) Haw.]. Class and Order Decandria Pentagynia. Curtis’s Botanical Magazine 35: t. 1436. []
  52. Smith, G.F. (2022) A review of the ecology and natural history of Kalanchoe (Crassulaceae subfam. Kalanchooideae) in southern Africa. Bradleya 40: 161–184.
  53. Smith, G.F. (2023) A review of exotic Kalanchoe taxa (Crassulaceae subfam. Kalanchooideae) naturalised and cultivated in Africa and the Gulf of Guinea islands, with their nomenclature updated. Phytotaxa 613 (1): 1–28.
  54. Smith, G.F. & Figueiredo, E. (2018) Nomenclatural notes on Kalanchoe pinnata (Lam.) Pers. (Crassulaceae). Bradleya 36: 220–223.
  55. Smith, G.F. & Figueiredo, E. (2024) A review and analysis of the early nomenclature and taxonomy associated with the genus name Kalanchoe (Crassulaceae subfam. Kalanchooideae), published by Michel Adanson (1727–1806) in 1763, with notes on the late-18th century taxonomy of the genus. Phytotaxa 633 (2): 108–124.
  56. Smith, G.F., Figueiredo, E. & Crouch, N.R. (2018) The taxonomy of Kalanchoe hirta Harv. and K. crenata (Andrews) Haw. (Crassulaceae), and reinstatement of K. hirta as a distinctive, endemic species from southern and south-tropical Africa. Haseltonia 24: 40–50.
  57. Smith, G.F., Figueiredo, E. & Van Wyk, A.E. (2019) Kalanchoe (Crassulaceae) in southern Africa. Classification, biology, and cultivation. Academic Press, an imprint of Elsevier, London, San Diego, Cambridge (U.S.A.), and Oxford, 328 pp.
  58. Smith, G.F. & Monro, A.M. (2022a) The nomenclature and taxonomy of Crassulaceae subfam. Kalanchooideae resolved. Phytotaxa 555 (3): 241–251.
  59. Smith, G.F. & Monro, A.M. (2022b) (2908) Proposal to reject the name Crassulaceae subfam. Cotyledonoideae (Crassulaceae). Taxon 71 (4): 910–911.
  60. Smith, G.F., Parihar, B. & Almeida, A.M.R. (2023) A review of growth form and plant duration (life cycle) in Kalanchoe (Crassulaceae subfam. Kalanchooideae) in an evolutionary and classificatory framework. Phytotaxa 592 (3): 217–254.
  61. Smith, G.F., Shtein, R., Klein, D.-P., Parihar, B., Almeida, A., Rodewald, S. & Kadereit, G. (2021) Special Review. Sexual and asexual reproduction in Kalanchoe (Crassulaceae subfam. Kalanchooideae): a review of known and newly recorded strategies. Haseltonia 28: 2–22.
  62. Specht, J. & Stockland, E. (2017) An analysis of Alfred W. Crosby’s The Columbian Exchange. Biological and cultural consequences of 1492. Macat International Ltd, [Routledge], London, 75 pp.
  63. Sprengel, C.[K.]P.J. (1825) Caroli Linnaei, [...] Systema vegetabilium. Editio decima sexta curante Curtio Sprengel, [...]. Volumen II. Classis 6–15. Sumtibus Librariae Dieterichianae, Gottingae [Göttingen], i + 939 pp. []
  64. Stafleu, F.A. & Cowan, R.S. (1976) Taxonomic literature. A selective guide to botanical publications and collections with dates, commentaries and types. Volume I: A–G. Second edition. Bohn, Scheltema & Holkema, Utrecht, [Regnum vegetabile 94], 1136 pp. []
  65. Steiner, R. (2000) Nature’s open secret. Introductions to Goethe’s scientific writings. [Translated by J. Barnes and M. Spiegler, with an essay on participatory science by J. Barnes.] Anthroposophic Press, place of publication not stated, 305 pp.
  66. Steudel, E.G. von. (1841) Nomenclator botanicus seu: synonymia plantarum universalis, enumerans ordine alphabetico nomina atque synonyma tum generica tum specifica et a Linnaeo et a recentioribus de re botanica scriptoribus plantis phanerogamis imposita [...] editio secunda et novo elaborata et aucta. Pars II. Lit. L–Z. [In two volumes and 10 parts; “Vereia”, “Verea”, and “Calanchoe” [mentioned] on pp. 751–752 in volume 2(10)]. Typis et sumptibus J.G. Cottae, Stuttgardiae [Stuttgart] et Tubingae [Tübingen], 810 pp. [] (Verea); [] (Calanchoe)
  67. Tölken, H.R. (1985) Crassulaceae. 3166, 4. Kalanchoe. 3166a, 5. Bryophyllum. In: Leistner, O.A. (Ed.) Flora of Southern Africa 14. Botanical Research Institute, Department of Agriculture and Water Supply, place of publication not stated, likely Pretoria, pp. 61–74.
  68. Turland, N.J., Wiersema, J.H., Barrie, F.R., Greuter, W., Hawksworth, D.L., Herendeen, P.S., Knapp, S., Kusber, W.-H., Li, D.-Z., Marhold, K., May, T.W., McNeill, J., Monro, A.M., Prado, J., Price, M.J. & Smith, G.F. (2018) International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (Shenzhen Code) adopted by the Nineteenth International Botanical Congress Shenzhen, China, July 2017. Koeltz Botanical Books, Glashütten, [Regnum vegetabile 159], 254 pp.
  69. Vahl, M. (1791) Symbolae botanicae, sive plantarum, tam earum, quas in itinere, imprimis orientali, collegit Petrus Forskål, quam aliarum, recentius detectarum, exactiores descriptiones, nec non observationes circa quasdam plantas dudum cognitas, [...]. Pars secunda, cum tabulis XXV aeri incisis. Impensis auctoris. Excudebant Nicolaus Möller et filius, Aulae Regiae Typographi, Hauniae [København], p. 105 [108], plates XXVI–L.
  70. Vargas, A., Herrera, I., Nualart, N., Guézou, A., Gómez-Bellver, C., Freire, E., Jaramillo Díaz, P. & López-Pujol, J. (2022) The genus Kalanchoe (Crassulaceae) in Ecuador: from gardens to the wild. Plants 11 (3): 1746.
  71. Wallich, N.A. (1832) A numerical list of dried specimens of plants in the East India Company’s Museum: collected under the superintendence of Dr. Wallich of the Company’s botanic garden at Calcutta. Lithographed from a handwritten manuscript, London, 306 pp.
  72. Wight, R. & Walker-Arnot, G.A. (1834) Prodromus floræ peninsulæ indiæ orientalis : containing abridged descriptions of the plants found in the Peninsula of British India, arranged according to the natural system, Vol. I. Parbury, Allen, & Co., London, 480 pp.
  73. Willdenow, C.L. (1797) Caroli a Linneì Species plantarum exhibentes plantas rite cognitas ad genera relatas cum differentiis specificis, nominibus trivialibus, synonymis selectis, locis natalibus, secundum systema sexuale digestas. Editio quarta, post Reicherdianum quinta adjectis vegetabilibus hucusque cognitis curante Carolo Ludovico Willdenow. Tomus I. Impensis G.C. Nauk, Berolini, [Berlin], 495 pp. []
  74. Willdenow, C.L. (1799) Caroli a Linneì Species plantarum exhibentes plantas rite cognitas ad genera relatas cum differentiis specificis, nominibus trivialibus, synonymis selectis, locis natalibus, secundum systema sexuale digestas. Editio quarta, post Reicherdianum quinta adjectis vegetabilibus hucusque cognitis curante Carolo Ludovico Willdenow. Tomus II. Pars I. Impensis G.C. Nauk, Berolini, [Berlin], 823 pp. []
  75. Willdenow, C.L. (1806) Caroli a Linneì Species plantarum exhibentes plantas rite cognitas ad genera relatas cum differentiis specificis, nominibus trivialibus, synonymis selectis, locis natalibus, secundum systema sexuale digestas. Editio quarta, post Reicherdianum quinta adjectis vegetabilibus hucusque cognitis curante Carolo Ludovico Willdenow. Tomus IV. Pars II. Impensis G.C. Nauk, Berolini, [Berlin], 1157 pp. []
  76. Willdenow, C.L. (1809) D. Car. Lud. Willdenow, [...] Enumeratio plantarum horti regii botanici berolinensis, continens descriptiones omnium vegetabilium in horto dicto cultorum. Part 1. In taberna Libraría Scholae realis, Berolini [Berlin], iii + 592 pp. []

How to Cite

SMITH, GIDEON F. 2024. “Notes on the Nomenclature of the Genus Name <em>Vereia</em>, the Earliest-Published Synonym of <em>Kalanchoe</em>, and the Species Published in <em>Vereia</Em> (Crassulaceae Subfam. Kalanchooideae)”. Phytotaxa 636 (1):20-34.