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Published: 2023-12-27
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The diatom genus Ctenophora: A discussion on its morphology, relationships, and some species

The Natural History Museum; London; UK
Research Department; Meise Botanic Garden; Meise; Belgium; Department of Biology – ECOBE; University of Antwerp; Wilrijk; Belgium
Ctenophora morphology relationships Algae


The diatom genus Ctenophora is examined for its morphological characters and its relationships. Some aspects of the nomenclature of the genus are clarified with respect to various specimens identified as Ctenophora pulchella, Ctenophora saxonica and Ctenophora vertebrata. The focus is on the structure of the valves and girdle rather than a complete account of the species-level diversity in Ctenophora. General conclusions are (1) Ctenophora is not a monotypic genus; (2) the relationships of Ctenophora will include ‘Fragilaria famelica, Catacombas (= Synedra) and the various groups within the paraphyletic Tabularia.



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How to Cite

WILLIAMS, DAVID M., and BART VAN DE VIJVER. 2023. “The Diatom Genus <em>Ctenophora</Em>: A Discussion on Its Morphology, Relationships, and Some Species”. Phytotaxa 632 (1):1-26.