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Type: Article
Published: 2023-12-06
Page range: 155-162
Abstract views: 173
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Neottia linzhiensis (Orchidaceae, Epidendroideae, Neottieae), a new species from Xizang, China

School of Life Sciences; Nanchang University; Nanchang; Xuefudadao 999; Shajing; Nanchang; Jiangxi; 330031; China. State Key Laboratory of Plant Diversity and Prominent Crops; Institute of Botany; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Nanxincun 20; Xiangshan; Beijing; 100093; China.
State Key Laboratory of Plant Diversity and Prominent Crops; Institute of Botany; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Nanxincun 20; Xiangshan; Beijing; 100093; China.
State Key Laboratory of Plant Diversity and Prominent Crops; Institute of Botany; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Nanxincun 20; Xiangshan; Beijing; 100093; China.
State Key Laboratory of Plant Diversity and Prominent Crops; Institute of Botany; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Nanxincun 20; Xiangshan; Beijing; 100093; China.
School of Life Sciences; Nanchang University; Nanchang; Xuefudadao 999; Shajing; Nanchang; Jiangxi; 330031; China.
State Key Laboratory of Plant Diversity and Prominent Crops; Institute of Botany; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Nanxincun 20; Xiangshan; Beijing; 100093; China.
Monocots China Neottia linzhiensis new species Xizang


A new species of Orchidaceae, Neottia linzhiensis, from Motuo, Xizang, China, is described and illustrated. Neottia linzhiensis is similar to N. brevicaulis and N. taizanensis, but differs from them by having lip shallowly bilobed at apex, column not curve, and stigma nearly at column apex.



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How to Cite

CAI, HONG, DONG-LIANG LIN, CHAO YE, HAN-CHEN WANG, BO-YUN YANG, and XIAO-HUA JIN. 2023. “<em>Neottia linzhiensis</Em> (Orchidaceae, Epidendroideae, Neottieae), a New Species from Xizang, China”. Phytotaxa 629 (2):155-62.