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Type: Article
Published: 2023-11-23
Page range: 199-207
Abstract views: 185
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Amphora micrometra Giffen and Halamphora valdeminutissima sp. nov., two tiny benthic diatom species observed in the Black Sea

Institute of Oceanology at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences; 40 Parvi May Str.; 9000 Varna; Bulgaria
Meise Botanic Garden; Research Department; Nieuwelaan 38; 1860 Meise; Belgium. University of Antwerp; Department of Biology – ECOSPHERE; Universiteitsplein 1; B-2610 Wilrijk; Belgium
Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences; 2 Mayor Yurii Gagarin Str.; 1113 Sofia; Bulgaria
Meise Botanic Garden; Research Department; Nieuwelaan 38; 1860 Meise; Belgium.
Meise Botanic Garden; Research Department; Nieuwelaan 38; 1860 Meise; Belgium. University of Antwerp; Department of Biology – ECOSPHERE; Universiteitsplein 1; B-2610 Wilrijk; Belgium
Bacillariophyta marine benthos Mediterranean region taxonomy morphology Algae


During a survey of the diatom flora present on an artificial substratum (plexiglass) submerged off the southern Bulgarian Black Sea coast, a small-celled diatom taxon, reported previously from the Black Sea as Amphora (Halamphora) sp. S21, was observed. Detailed light and scanning electron microscope observations showed that the original taxon actually included two different taxa: an unknown Halamphora species described here as H. valdeminutissima sp. nov., and a second taxon, which, based on SEM observations, could be identified as Amphora micrometra Giffen. The morphology of both taxa is described in detail and a comparison with similar taxa is provided. Additionally, environmental data of the habitat is also provided.



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How to Cite

ZIDAROVA, RALITSA, MARGAUX POTTIEZ, PLAMEN IVANOV, MYRIAM DE HAAN, and BART VAN DE VIJVER. 2023. “<em>Amphora micrometra</em> Giffen and <em>Halamphora Valdeminutissima Sp. nov.</Em>, Two Tiny Benthic Diatom Species Observed in the Black Sea”. Phytotaxa 626 (3):199-207.