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Type: Article
Published: 2023-11-14
Page range: 265-279
Abstract views: 229
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Myrmecridium hydei, a novel marine species from Thailand

School of Science; Mae Fah Luang University; Chiang Rai 57100; Thailand. Center of Excellence in Fungal Research; Mae Fah Luang University; Chiang Rai 57100; Thailand
School of Science; Mae Fah Luang University; Chiang Rai 57100; Thailand. Center of Excellence in Fungal Research; Mae Fah Luang University; Chiang Rai 57100; Thailand
School of Science; Mae Fah Luang University; Chiang Rai 57100; Thailand. Center of Excellence in Fungal Research; Mae Fah Luang University; Chiang Rai 57100; Thailand
School of Science; Mae Fah Luang University; Chiang Rai 57100; Thailand. Center of Excellence in Fungal Research; Mae Fah Luang University; Chiang Rai 57100; Thailand. Center for Research in Science and Technology (CReST); Philippine Science High School-Eastern Visayas Campus; Palo; Leyte 6501; Philippines
Botany and Microbiology Department; College of Science; King Saud University; Riyadh; 1145; Saudi Arabia
1 new species asexual fungi hyphomycetes molecular phylogeny taxonomy Myrmecridiaceae Fungi


Myrmecridium hydei was isolated from decaying branch of Areca species submerged in seawater from Prachuap Khiri Khan Province, Thailand. The new species is supported by phylogenetic analysis of combined ITS and LSU sequence data. Myrmecridium hydei formed a distinct clade from M. phragmitigenum, M. phragmiticola and M. sambuci with moderate statistical support. The species also differs from other Myrmecridium species by having a longer sympodial, straight or flexuous to geniculate-sinuous conidiophore and obovoid or fusoid to irregular, guttulate conidia without a wing-like sheath. Myrmecridium hydei is described as a novel species based on morphology and phylogeny.



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How to Cite

ASGHARI, RAHELEH, CHAYANARD PHUKHAMSAKDA, OMID KARIMI, CARLO CHRIS S. APURILLO, and E.B. GARETH JONES. 2023. “<em>Myrmecridium</em> <em>hydei</Em>, a Novel Marine Species from Thailand”. Phytotaxa 625 (3):265-79.