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Type: Article
Published: 2023-11-09
Page range: 142-160
Abstract views: 150
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The identity of Clematis wenxianensis (Ranunculaceae) described from southern Gansu, China

Key Laboratory of Plant Resources Conservation and Sustainable Utilization; South China Botanical Garden; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Guangzhou 510650; Guangdong; China; Center of Conservation Biology; Core Botanical Gardens; South China Botanical Garden; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Guangzhou 510650; Guangdong; China; University of Chinese Academy of Sciences; Beijing 100049; China
Key Laboratory of Plant Resources Conservation and Sustainable Utilization; South China Botanical Garden; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Guangzhou 510650; Guangdong; China; Center of Conservation Biology; Core Botanical Gardens; South China Botanical Garden; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Guangzhou 510650; Guangdong; China; University of Chinese Academy of Sciences; Beijing 100049; China
Key Laboratory of Plant Resources Conservation and Sustainable Utilization; South China Botanical Garden; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Guangzhou 510650; Guangdong; China; Center of Conservation Biology; Core Botanical Gardens; South China Botanical Garden; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Guangzhou 510650; Guangdong; China; University of Chinese Academy of Sciences; Beijing 100049; China
Key Laboratory of Plant Resources Conservation and Sustainable Utilization; South China Botanical Garden; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Guangzhou 510650; Guangdong; China; Center of Conservation Biology; Core Botanical Gardens; South China Botanical Garden; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Guangzhou 510650; Guangdong; China
Key Laboratory of Plant Resources Conservation and Sustainable Utilization; South China Botanical Garden; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Guangzhou 510650; Guangdong; China; Center of Conservation Biology; Core Botanical Gardens; South China Botanical Garden; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Guangzhou 510650; Guangdong; China
Clematis obscura morphology new synonymy taxonomy Eudicots


Based on critical observations of both herbarium specimens (including type material) and living plants in the wild, we demonstrate that Clematis wenxianensis (Ranunculaceae), described from Wenxian county in southern Gansu, China, is not essentially different from C. obscura in any characters, a species widely distributed in the country (southern Gansu, northwestern Hubei, southern Ningxia, central and southern Shaanxi, central and southern Shanxi, northern Sichuan). We therefore place C. wenxianensis in synonymy with C. obscura herein.


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How to Cite

HUANG, QIAO-LAN, HAI-SONG WU, WEN-QUN FEI, QIONG YUAN, and QIN-ER YANG. 2023. “The Identity of <em>Clematis wenxianensis</em><em> </Em>(Ranunculaceae) Described from Southern Gansu, China”. Phytotaxa 625 (2):142-60.