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Type: Article
Published: 2023-11-07
Page range: 77-87
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Three new species of Epidendrum (Orchidaceae: Laeliinae) from the cloud forests of Chota, northern Peru

Escuela de Posgrado; Unidad de Posgrado de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias; Mención en Gestión ambiental; Universidad Nacional de Cajamarca; Perú; Avenida Atahualpa Km. 3; Cajamarca; Perú
Herbario AMO; Montañas Calizas 490; Miguel Hidalgo; CDMX 11000; México. Ames Herbarium; Harvard University Herbaria; Cambridge; MA 02138
Herbario AMO; Montañas Calizas 490; Miguel Hidalgo; CDMX 11000; México. Ames Herbarium; Harvard University Herbaria; Cambridge; MA 02138
Herbario AMO; Montañas Calizas 490; Miguel Hidalgo; CDMX 11000; México. Ames Herbarium; Harvard University Herbaria; Cambridge; MA 02138
Docente y director del Herbario CPUN “Isidoro Sánchez Vega” de la Universidad Nacional de Cajamarca
Monocots Alpicola group Ferreyrae group La Palma


Epidendrum acuntasiorum and E. retrolobatum belonging to the Ferreyrae group, and E. bicornialpicola member to the Alpicola group are described and illustrated as new species. The three new taxa were collected in the montane cloud forest of La Palma, located in the districts of Conchán and Chota, department of Cajamarca, Peru. Information concerning distribution, habitat, and phenology is provided for each taxon. A plate and description of Epidendrum ferreyrae are included for comparison.


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How to Cite

GONZÁLES, JAMES ALEXANDER CHAMAYA, ERIC HÁGSATER, ELIZABETH SANTIAGO AYALA, JULIAN DUARTE SALINAS, and GUSTAVO IBERICO VELA. 2023. “Three New Species of <em>Epidendrum</Em> (Orchidaceae: Laeliinae) from the Cloud Forests of Chota, Northern Peru”. Phytotaxa 625 (1):77-87.