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Type: Monograph
Published: 2023-11-03
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An updated checklist of the vascular flora of the Trans-Himalayan region of Ladakh, India

Department of Botany; University of Kashmir; Srinagar-190006; Jammu & Kashmir; India
Department of Botany; University of Kashmir; Srinagar-190006; Jammu & Kashmir; India
Centre for Biodiversity & Taxonomy; Department of Botany; University of Kashmir; Srinagar 190006; Jammu & Kashmir; India
Department of Botany; University of Kashmir; Srinagar-190006; Jammu & Kashmir; India
Centre for Biodiversity & Taxonomy; Department of Botany; University of Kashmir; Srinagar 190006; Jammu & Kashmir; India
Centre for Biodiversity & Taxonomy; Department of Botany; University of Kashmir; Srinagar 190006; Jammu & Kashmir; India
General Biodiversity Himalaya cold desert taxonomy flora species conservation


In meeting the challenges of biodiversity conservation, the taxonomic documentation of floristic diversity needs priority, particularly in data-deficient regions of the world. In this study, we present a comprehensive and updated checklist on the vascular flora of Ladakh, a region located in the remote Indian Trans-Himalaya. The checklist, based on field surveys over the last decade, herbarium studies, and a rigorous review of literature, records 1810 taxa (1702 species and 108 infra-specific taxa) belonging to 530 genera in 91 families from the region. The angiosperms are represented by 1772 taxa belonging to 508 genera in 77 families. The dicots contributed 1413 taxa (1320 species and 93 infra-specific taxa), while the monocots contributed 359 taxa (345 species and 14 infra-specific taxa) to the checklist. Likewise, the gymnosperms are represented by 11 taxa, and the pteridophytes (ferns) are represented by 27 taxa. The family Asteraceae contributes the largest number of 277 taxa, followed by Poaceae with 221 taxa. The flora in the region is dominated by 1668 herbs, followed by 100 shrubs, 34 trees and 8 climbers. In terms of lifespan, there are 1370 perennials, 411 annuals and 29 biennials. The checklist will not only serve as a useful reference for researchers, policymakers, and other stakeholders but is also an important tool for guiding biodiversity conservation efforts and sustainable use of the unique and valuable plant resources in the Trans-Himalayan region of Ladakh.


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