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Type: Article
Published: 2023-11-01
Page range: 260-270
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Pseudosperma quercinum sp. nov. (Inocybaceae) from the Himalayan forests of Pakistan

Fungal Biology and Systematics Research Laboratory; Institute of Botany; Quaid-e-Azam Campus; University of the Punjab; Lahore; Punjab Pakistan
Department of Botany; Division of Science and Technology; University of Education; Lahore; Punjab; Pakistan
Fungal Biology and Systematics Research Laboratory; Institute of Botany; Quaid-e-Azam Campus; University of the Punjab; Lahore; Punjab Pakistan
Fungal Biology and Systematics Research Laboratory; Institute of Botany; Quaid-e-Azam Campus; University of the Punjab; Lahore; Punjab Pakistan
Fungal Biology and Systematics Research Laboratory; Institute of Botany; Quaid-e-Azam Campus; University of the Punjab; Lahore; Punjab Pakistan
Fungal Biology and Systematics Research Laboratory, Institute of Botany, Quaid-e-Azam Campus, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Punjab Pakistan
Ectomycorrhizal Parachinar Quercus Fungi


A new species, Pseudosperma quercinum, is described and illustrated from Pakistan. The species is characterized by a campanulate to conico-convex pileus, with dark brown umbo and yellow-brown fibrillose streaks on a creamy white context, creamy white to light silvery-brown lamellae, a cylindrical stipe with a fibrillose, furfuraceous, or almost flocculose stipe apex, ellipsoid to phaseoliform basidiospores, and clavate to cylindrical cheilocystidia. Molecular phylogenetic analysis inferred from the nuclear rDNA internal transcribed spacer region (ITS) and larger subunit region (LSU) confirms this species as new. In addition, we present a key and a table of comparisons to other species of this genus from Pakistan.


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How to Cite

NASEER, AROOJ, SANA JABEEN, AMMARA ASHFAQ, MAHRUKH AKBAR, SYED IFTIKHAR HUSSAIN, and ABDUL NASIR KHALID. 2023. “<em>Pseudosperma Quercinum Sp. nov.</em> (<em>Inocybaceae</Em>) from the Himalayan Forests of Pakistan”. Phytotaxa 622 (4):260-70.