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Type: Article
Published: 2023-10-19
Page range: 293-300
Abstract views: 160
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Typification of the name Dianema harveyi (Dianemataceae)

W. Szafer Institute of Botany; Polish Academy of Sciences; Lubicz 46; PL-31-512 Kraków
Fungi Amoebozoa lectotype Myxomycetes Prototrichia metallica Trichiales


Revision of available syntypes of Dianema harveyi Rex revealed that two of them represent another species, Prototrichia metallica. In order to clarify the species interpretation, Dianema harveyi is typified, described based on original material, and illustrated.



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How to Cite

RONIKIER, ANNA. 2023. “Typification of the Name <em>Dianema harveyi</em><em> </Em>(Dianemataceae)”. Phytotaxa 620 (4):293-300.