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Type: Article
Published: 2023-10-19
Page range: 273-282
Abstract views: 181
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Spodocybe umbilicata (Hygrophoraceae, Agaricales), a newly discovered species from subtropical China

College of Life Sciences; Hunan Normal University; Changsha 410081; China
National Institute of Occupational Health and Poison Control; Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention; Beijing 100050; China
College of Life Sciences; Hunan Normal University; Changsha 410081; China
College of Life Sciences; Hunan Normal University; Changsha 410081; China
College of Life Sciences; Hunan Normal University; Changsha 410081; China
College of Life Sciences; Hunan Normal University; Changsha 410081; China
Fungi Spodocybe Clitocyboid Cuphophylloideae morphological study phylogenetic analysis taxonomy


Spodocybe is a recently established genus with many potential species yet to be discovered. The present study reports a new species of Spodocybe collected from subtropical China, whose delimitation is supported by both morphological and phylogenetic evidence. The species is characterized by its small umbilicate pileus with a greyish brown, finely felty surface, white decurrent lamellae, finely fibrillose stipe concolorous with the pileal surface, and elongate to cylindrical basidiospores measuring 6.0–9.0 × 3.0–4.5 μm. In addition, a worldwide key to the known Spodocybe species is provided.



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How to Cite

XIAO, YING-QUN, HAI-JIAO LI, SAI-NAN LI, ZUO-HONG CHEN, PING ZHANG, and ZHENG-MI HE. 2023. “<em>Spodocybe Umbilicata </Em>(Hygrophoraceae, Agaricales), a Newly Discovered Species from Subtropical China”. Phytotaxa 620 (4):273-82.