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Type: Article
Published: 2023-10-03
Page range: 172-180
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Typification of three Carex nothospecies names dedicated to Czech botanists by J. Podpěra

Department of Forest Botany; Dendrology and Geobiocenology; Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology; Mendel University; Zemědělská 3; 613 00 Brno; Czech Republic; Moravian Museum; Department of Botany; Hviezdoslavova 29a; 627 00 Brno; Czech Republic
Department of Forest Botany; Dendrology and Geobiocenology; Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology; Mendel University; Zemědělská 3; 613 00 Brno; Czech Republic; Moravian Museum; Department of Botany; Hviezdoslavova 29a; 627 00 Brno; Czech Republic
Monocots Cyperaceae Carex ×binderi Carex × filkukae Carex × lausii Carex × leutzii lectotype nomenclature taxonomy Czech Republic


The article elucidates the taxonomic identity of the putative nothospecies Carex ×binderi, C. ×filkukae and C. ×lausii described by Josef Podpěra from the territory of Bohemia and Moravia (Czech Republic) in the early 20th century. Herbarium material obviously handled by J. Podpěra was retrieved and thoroughly compared with that of the presumed parental taxa, but morphological evidence point to a hybrid origin only for C. ×binderi, corresponding to C. ×leutzii. By contrast, plants of C. ×filkukae and C. ×lausii could be assigned to atypical individuals of C. leporina and C. acutiformis, respectively. Lectotypes for all treated names are designated here, which turns J. Podpěra’s names into synonymy of the above-mentioned species and nothospecies names.



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