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Type: Article
Published: 2023-06-29
Page range: 239-247
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Asystasia venui (Justicieae: Acanthaceae): A new species from West Bengal, India

Central National Herbarium, Botanical Survey of India, Howrah—711 103, West Bengal, India
Flora Cell, Botanical Survey of India, CGO complex, Salt Lake City, Kolkata—700 064, West Bengal, India
Central National Herbarium, Botanical Survey of India, Howrah—711 103, West Bengal, India
Asystasiella Mackaya taxonomy Eudicots


Asystasia venui (Justicieae: Acanthaceae), a new species is described and illustrated from West Bengal, India. Morphologically, it resembles A. atroviridis and A. neesiana, but differs from these two species in having smaller corolla tube and calyx lobes, papillose ovary, glandular hairy capsules, and papillose ovary, lax racemes with glandular pubescent rachis respectively. A detailed morphological description of Asystasia venui, together with photographs, comparative illustrations and a key to the species of Asystasia occurring in India is provided for identification.


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How to Cite

KUMAR, ANANT, GOPAL KRISHNA, and AVISHEK BHATTACHARJEE. 2023. “<em>Asystasia venui</Em> (Justicieae: Acanthaceae): A New Species from West Bengal, India”. Phytotaxa 600 (4):239-47.