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Type: Article
Published: 2022-12-08
Page range: 159–165
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Piper puerense, a new species of Piperaceae from Yunnan, China

Spice and Beverage Research Institute, CATAS, Wanning 571533, Hainan, China, Ministry of Agriculture Key Laboratory of Genetic Resources Utilization of Spice and Beverage Crops, Wanning 571533, Hainan, China, Hainan Provincial Key Laboratory of Genetic Improvement and Quality Regulation for Tropical Spice and Beverage Crops, Wanning 571533, Hainan, China
Spice and Beverage Research Institute, CATAS, Wanning 571533, Hainan, China, Ministry of Agriculture Key Laboratory of Genetic Resources Utilization of Spice and Beverage Crops, Wanning 571533, Hainan, China, Hainan Provincial Key Laboratory of Genetic Improvement and Quality Regulation for Tropical Spice and Beverage Crops, Wanning 571533, Hainan, China
Spice and Beverage Research Institute, CATAS, Wanning 571533, Hainan, China, Ministry of Agriculture Key Laboratory of Genetic Resources Utilization of Spice and Beverage Crops, Wanning 571533, Hainan, China, Hainan Provincial Key Laboratory of Genetic Improvement and Quality Regulation for Tropical Spice and Beverage Crops, Wanning 571533, Hainan, China
Spice and Beverage Research Institute, CATAS, Wanning 571533, Hainan, China, Ministry of Agriculture Key Laboratory of Genetic Resources Utilization of Spice and Beverage Crops, Wanning 571533, Hainan, China, Hainan Provincial Key Laboratory of Genetic Improvement and Quality Regulation for Tropical Spice and Beverage Crops, Wanning 571533, Hainan, China
Spice and Beverage Research Institute, CATAS, Wanning 571533, Hainan, China, Ministry of Agriculture Key Laboratory of Genetic Resources Utilization of Spice and Beverage Crops, Wanning 571533, Hainan, China, Hainan Provincial Key Laboratory of Genetic Improvement and Quality Regulation for Tropical Spice and Beverage Crops, Wanning 571533, Hainan, China
Piper curtipedunculum morphology taxonomy Puer County tropical flora Magnoliids


Piper puerense (Piperaceae), a new species from Yunnan, China, is here described and illustrated. Detailed morphological comparisons between the newly discovered species and other members of Piper indicate that Piper puerense is similar to Piper curtipedunculum, from which it differs in that stems of the new species are densely pubescent when young, glabrous when mature, leaf blades ovate, 8.5–12 cm × 4.3–6.5 cm, spike peduncle 15 mm long, nearly two times larger than the petiole; female inflorescence 12–18 cm long, male inflorescence 20–30 cm long, fruit obovate in shape, 1.0–1.5 mm in diameter.


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How to Cite

SU, FAN, XUN-ZHI JI, BAO-DUO WU, XIAO-WEI QIN, and CHAO-YUN HAO. 2022. “<em>Piper&nbsp;puerense</Em>, a New Species of Piperaceae from Yunnan, China”. Phytotaxa 575 (2):159–165.