The family Lauraceae Jussieu (1789: 80) is one of the economically important families in the Magnoliopsida-Laurales, distributed mostly in the tropical and subtropical forests of the New and the Old World, comprising 56 genera and 2700 species (Mabberley 2017). We came across two names viz., Litsea microphylla (Elmer 1908: 375) Merrill (1923: 196) and Persea microphylla (Mez 1889: 166) Mez (1892: 115), which are later homonyms to the fossil species Litsea microphylla Marion (1872: 346) and Persea microphylla Engelhardt (1891: 650), respectively. According to Art. 53.1. of the ICN (Turland et al. 2018) they are illegitimate and replacement names are required. Hence, new names are proposed for both the species.