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Type: Article
Published: 2018-09-13
Page range: 93–106
Abstract views: 68
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Five endemic Peperomia (Piperaceae) novelties from Veracruz, Mexico

Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Zongolica, km 4 Carretera a la Compañia S/N, Tepetitlanapa, Zongolica, Veracruz, México. CP 95005
Centro de Investigaciones Tropicales, Universidad Veracruzana, José María Morelos 44-46, Zona Centro, C.P. 91000, Xalapa, Veracruz, México
Centro de Investigaciones Tropicales, Universidad Veracruzana, José María Morelos 44-46, Zona Centro, C.P. 91000, Xalapa, Veracruz, México
Centro de Investigaciones Tropicales, Universidad Veracruzana, José María Morelos 44-46, Zona Centro, C.P. 91000, Xalapa, Veracruz, México.
Conservation distribution endemism taxonomic treatment IUCN Red List criteria Magnoliids


Five new species of Peperomia (Piperaceae), endemic to the state of Veracruz, Mexico, are described, illustrated, compared with morphologically close taxa and assigned to their respective subgenus. Peperomia castilloi Vergara-Rodríguez & Jimeno-Sevilla, P. nopalana G.Mathieu, P. trichobracteata G.Mathieu & T.Krömer and P. xalana G.Mathieu are four somewhat similar species that occur at lower elevations in tropical humid forests. Peperomia zongolicana Jimeno-Sevilla & Vergara-Rodríguez occurs in tropical humid forests at mid-range elevations and is very distinct by the shape of its inflorescences. An assessment of their conservation status, considering IUCN Red List categories and criteria, revealed that they all belong to a threatened category, mainly due to the continuous loss and fragmentation of their natural habitats.

How to Cite

JIMENO-SEVILLA, HÉCTOR DAVID, DANIELA VERGARA-RODRÍGUEZ, THORSTEN KRÖMER, SAMARIA ARMENTA-MONTERO, and GUIDO MATHIEU. 2018. “Five endemic<em> Peperomia </Em>(Piperaceae) Novelties from Veracruz, Mexico”. Phytotaxa 369 (2):93–106.