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Type: Article
Published: 2017-08-08
Page range: 261–270
Abstract views: 49
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Two new species, two rediscoveries and a range extension in Lachenalia (Asparagaceae: Scilloideae) from southern and western South Africa

South African National Biodiversity Institute, Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden, Private Bag X7, Claremont, 7735, South Africa
Hyacinthaceae IUCN evaluation Liliaceae narrow African endemics re-discovered species considered extinct southern African flora Monocots


Two recently discovered species of Lachenalia from South Africa, Lachenalia barbarae from the Overberg district of the Western Cape and Lachenalia adamii from the Bokkeveld escarpment of the Northern Cape, are described. In addition, details of the rediscovery of two species previously thought to be possibly extinct in the wild, Lachenalia martleyi from the Overberg district in the Western Cape and Lachenalia macgregoriorum from the Bokkeveld plateau in the Northern Cape, are provided, as well as a range extension for the critically endangered Lachenalia moniliformis from the Breede River Valley in the Western Cape.

How to Cite

DUNCAN, GRAHAM. 2017. “Two New Species, Two Rediscoveries and a Range Extension in <em>Lachenalia</Em> (Asparagaceae: Scilloideae) from Southern and Western South Africa”. Phytotaxa 316 (3):261–270.