This article presents new records of water-starworts (Callitriche sp. pl.) from the Mediterranean basin, resulting from review of herbarium specimens and field work. Callitriche brutia var. naftolskyi is stated as a new combination and confirmed from Greece (Lesvos and Milos), Israel, Italy (Sardinia and Sicily), Libya, Morocco and Syria; C. lusitanica from Greece (Lesvos), Israel and Italy (Sardinia and Sicily); C. brutia var. brutia has been known from Greece for some time but is confirmed from Lesvos and Milos; C. obtusangula and C. truncata subsp. truncata are both confirmed from Sardinia and Sicily, while the latter is also confirmed from Syria. Callitriche lenisulca and C. stagnalis are confirmed from Sardinia but records of the latter from Lesvos appear to be erroneous; C. truncata subsp. occidentalis is known from Lesvos but records from Sardinia and Sicily appear to be erroneous. Records of C. regis-jubae from Sardinia are probably misidentifications for C. brutia var. naftolskyi. Records of C. brutia var. hamulata from the region are likely to be erroneous. A recent find of the alien C. terrestris in Spain is the first record for that country and the second record for Europe.