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Type: Article
Published: 2016-12-05
Page range: 267–276
Abstract views: 88
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Magnolia chiguila and M. mashpi (Magnoliaceae): two new species and a new subsection (Chocotalauma, sect. Talauma) from the Chocó biogeographic region of Colombia and Ecuador

Herbario QCA, Escuela de Ciencias Biológicas, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Ecuador, Quito, Ecuador
Herbario MOL, Universidad Agraria La Molina, Av. La Universidad s./n. La Molina, Lima, Perú
Universidad Estatal Amazónica, Paso lateral, km 2.5 vía a Napo, Puyo, Pastaza, Ecuador
Universidad Estatal Amazónica, Paso lateral, km 2.5 vía a Napo, Puyo, Pastaza, Ecuador Sabatical Professor, Universidad de Guadalajara, Departamento de Botánica y Zoología, Instituto de Botánica (Herbario IBUG), Las Agujas, Zapopan, km15, carretera Guadalajara-Nogales, Jalisco, México
Magnoliids Talauma Dugandiodendron Magnolia Chocó biogeographic region Ecuador Colombia


We describe here two new species: Magnolia chiguila and M. mashpi and a new subsection, Magnolia subsect. Chocotalauma, sect. Talauma (Magnoliaceae). Magnolia chiguila is morphologically similar to M. calimaensis, but differs from the latter in having larger and broadly elliptic leaves with larger number of lateral veins and larger flowers with more numerous stamens and carpels. Magnolia mashpi is morphologically similar to M. striatifolia, but differs from the latter in having wider and broadly elliptic to obovate leaves with strongly arched lateral veins that are bullate and abaxially pubescent, more numerous stamens, carpels with a prominent apicule, longer sepals, larger outer and inner petals and glabrous peduncular internodes. The new species are found in the Pacific lowlands of western Ecuador, and all species of the new subsection are restricted to the Chocó biogeographic region of western Colombia and Ecuador. A key to the species of Magnolia subsects. Chocotalauma and Dugandiodendron is provided.

How to Cite

PÉREZ, ÁLVARO. J., FRANK ARROYO, DAVID A. NEILL, and J. ANTONIO VÁZQUEZ-GARCÍA. 2016. “<em>Magnolia chiguila</em> and <em>M. mashpi</em> (Magnoliaceae): Two New Species and a New Subsection (<em>Chocotalauma</em>, Sect. <em>Talauma</Em>) from the Chocó Biogeographic Region of Colombia and Ecuador”. Phytotaxa 286 (4):267–276.