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Type: Article
Published: 2013-11-01
Page range: 37–45
Abstract views: 64
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Fern distributional records in Christensenia (Marattiaceae), Dipteris (Dipteridaceae), and Rheopteris (Pteridaceae) from the upper Sepik of Papua New Guinea

Harvard University
Kaiserin-Augusta-Fluss Expedition mafic habitats


Christensenia (Marattiaceae) is recorded for the island of New Guinea, removing a puzzling disjunction in its documented distribution. The rarely seen Rheopteris cheesmaniae (Pteridaceae), previously represented by three specimens, is rediscovered in Sepik habitats far inland from the historical north-coastal localities. Population updates are also provided for Dipteris lobbiana (Dipteridaceae), a species found throughout Malesia but otherwise known in New Guinea only from the upper Sepik. All three ferns are surprisingly common at their new sites of occurrence.

How to Cite

Takeuchi, Wayne. 2013. “Fern Distributional Records in <em>Christensenia</em> (Marattiaceae), <em>Dipteris</em> (Dipteridaceae), and <em>Rheopteris</Em> (Pteridaceae) from the Upper Sepik of Papua New Guinea”. Phytotaxa 142 (1):37–45.