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Type: Article
Published: 2014-07-11
Page range: 144–148
Abstract views: 81
PDF downloaded: 2

A new species of Philodendron (Araceae) in Paraná, Brazil

1Federal University of Paraná, Department of Biological Sciences, Polytechnic Centre, Graduate Program in Botany Garden of the Americas, Curitiba, PR, C.E.P. 81531-980, C.P. 19031, Brazil
State University of West Paraná, CCBS, University Ave., 2069, Cascavel, PR, C.E.P.85819-110, C.P. 711, Brazil
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, CCS, Institute of Biology, Department of Botany, Carlos Chagas Filho Ave., 373, Room A1-088, Block A, Fundão Island, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, C.E.P. 21941-902, Brazil
aroids Atlantic Forest taxonomy south Brazil


A new species of Philodendron from the Atlantic Forest in Paraná, Brazil, is described and illustrated. Philodendron meridionale belongs to subgenus Philodendron, section Macrobelium. It is similar to P. loefgrenii, from which it differs by the cordate base and larger number of locules, and is also similar to P. roseopetiolatum, from which it can be distinguished by smaller leaves and obscure primary lateral veins.

How to Cite

Buturi, Camila Vanessa, Lívia Godinho Temponi, and Cassia Mônica Sakuragui. 2014. “A New Species of <em>Philodendron</Em> (Araceae) in Paraná, Brazil”. Phytotaxa 174 (3):144–148.